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Make Listings extension compatible with Parsoid
Closed, DeclinedPublic


Parsoid has its own extension API - see
In this first phase, we are targeting tag-hook extensions for migration.
The Listings extension needs an update to work directly with Parsoid.

This extension is only used on wikivoyages except (en, de, it).

Event Timeline

Arlolra triaged this task as Medium priority.Feb 25 2021, 5:25 PM
Arlolra moved this task from Backlog to Missing Functionality on the Parsoid board.

Looks likes this builds up a bunch of wikitext and then parses it to HTML. This is only enabled on wikivoyages except (en, de, it). This looks like a fairly straightforward (if a bit cumbersome) port to Parsoid.

Looks likes this builds up a bunch of wikitext and then parses it to HTML. This is only enabled on wikivoyages except (en, de, it). This looks like a fairly straightforward (if a bit cumbersome) port to Parsoid.

Considering that we plan to only have enwikivoyage for phase 1, should we move this to a different phase?

MSantos lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Low.Sep 19 2023, 3:47 PM

Let's revisit the priority for this one considering that we might want to target Hebrew Wikivoyage sooner than anticipated.

Yeah. We will undeploy this extension in early 2024 only pl.wikivoyage has substantial use of listings extension.

I suggest declining this.

Declining the task should happen once we archive the extension after being undeployed.