Author: kebap_spam
I just keep forgetting the correct syntax for a redirect, namely this:
#REDIRECT [[link]]
Now I wanted to find out more about this class of commands with this syntax starting with a # - but there are none except this? I was told, it is like this because Redirect preceded parser functions. If it was implemented now, it would probably be as a parser function, but out of tradition, mediawiki uses the above syntax.
I would now propose to also include a consistent syntax like this:
{{REDIRECT:link}} or {{REDIRECT:[[link]]} if needed
The old syntax is probably well-known and certainly widely spread, so it should also continue to work. However, it might be marked as deprecated, and the user documentation should maybe promote the more consistent syntax over the traditional one.
Otherwise I hope at least I wont forget the traditional syntax anymore after all this hustle.
See Also:
T52878: VisualEditor: Remove the disablement of VisualEditor for redirect pages