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Change TopPanel icons from infoFilled to more meaningful ones
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Currently, the TopPanel of the PagelistWidget looks like

Screenshot from 2021-03-12 11-34-16.png (103×255 px, 5 KB)

It would be great if we could change the icons to something more meaningful instead of just information icons.


Event Timeline

Change 671123 had a related patch set uploaded (by Yash9265; owner: Yash9265):
[mediawiki/extensions/ProofreadPage@master] Change TopPanel icons from infoFilled to more meaningful ones

Change 671123 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/ProofreadPage@master] Change TopPanel icons from infoFilled to more meaningful ones

Hey ! I am interested in this project can you please send the link to the GitHub Repository so that I can add new icon to it and review it by others. Thank you

@Gaurav24072002 The fix mentioned in the task has already been made by @Yash4357. There isn't anything left to do on this task (besides waiting for the change to be deployed). If you're interested in the Google Summer of Code project "Adding zoom and pan capabilities to the Wikisource Pagelist Widget" then you should check out this list of tasks and work on one which hasn't been already claimed.

This is deployed in production. Thanks @Yash4357 for working on the task :)