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Add a link: Suggestions mode: update toolbar & publish button
Closed, ResolvedPublic

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Mar 22 2021, 6:12 PM
Referenced Files
F34938556: image.png
Jan 31 2022, 9:04 PM
F34938551: image.png
Jan 31 2022, 9:04 PM
F34938549: image.png
Jan 31 2022, 9:04 PM
F34198369: Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 5.56.21 PM.png
Mar 31 2021, 1:08 AM
F33997229: image.png
Mar 31 2021, 1:08 AM
F33997231: image.png
Mar 31 2021, 1:08 AM
F34161168: image.png
Mar 31 2021, 1:08 AM


  • Toolbar
    • There should still be a sticky toolbar at the top of the window.
    • It should not have any of the editing toolbar buttons.
    • It should only have the word "Suggestions", a toggle to switch editing modes (see T269653), and a publish button.
    • On mobile, it should have an "X" in the upper left, which exits the structured task flow, putting the user on the article in read mode. When the user clicks it, they should get the confirmation dialog described in T269653: Add a link: edit mode toggle (machine suggestions & visual).
    • On desktop, it should have a robot icon next to the "Suggestions" label.
  • Publish button
    • The publish button should not be active until the user has selected yes or no on at least one suggestion. If they just are skipping, the button does not activate.
    • On desktop, until the user has selected yes on a suggestion, the publish button should say "Submit..." instead of "Publish changes..."

Event Timeline

mewoph renamed this task from Add a link: AI suggestions mode: update toolbar to Add a link: AI suggestions mode: update toolbar & publish button.Mar 22 2021, 6:14 PM

Change 674102 had a related patch set uploaded (by MewOphaswongse; owner: MewOphaswongse):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] [WIP] Add a link: AI suggestions mode: update toolbar & publish button

Change 674102 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Add a link: AI suggestions mode: update toolbar & publish button

The publish button should not be active until the user has selected yes or no on at least one suggestion. If they just are skipping, the button does not activate.

If you choose a response for a suggestion, the button activates. But if you toggle the button again, the button changes to Publish. Not really possible to see without the patch for the rejection dialog ( which implements toggle buttons, but wanted to flag it as something we should fix.

for @RHo review - basically just letting you know that everything is in place (and I'll be checking the workflows again when all functionality - the toggle mode etc will be in place)

Only two, very minor notes

  • It should not have any of the editing toolbar buttons.

Presently three modes, as per the mockup screenshot below are not present yet - only VE and the source editor. The VE link cannot be clicked, but a user is able to switch to the source editor. Is it correct that the goal is to have AI, VE, and the source editor links work so a user can switch between modes any time?

image.png (335×450 px, 14 KB)
Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 5.56.21 PM.png (541×348 px, 82 KB)

I guess it's just not implemented yet. I looked at the mockup in T269653: Add a link: edit mode toggle (machine suggestions & visual) - the confirmation dialog is supposed to be

image.png (453×261 px, 15 KB)
not this one?
image.png (1×724 px, 109 KB)

kostajh renamed this task from Add a link: AI suggestions mode: update toolbar & publish button to Add a link: Suggestions mode: update toolbar & publish button.Apr 14 2021, 9:13 AM
kostajh updated the task description. (Show Details)

for @RHo review - basically just letting you know that everything is in place (and I'll be checking the workflows again when all functionality - the toggle mode etc will be in place)

Only two, very minor notes

  • It should not have any of the editing toolbar buttons.

Presently three modes, as per the mockup screenshot below are not present yet - only VE and the source editor. The VE link cannot be clicked, but a user is able to switch to the source editor. Is it correct that the goal is to have AI, VE, and the source editor links work so a user can switch between modes any time?

image.png (335×450 px, 14 KB)
Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 5.56.21 PM.png (541×348 px, 82 KB)

thanks for checking @Etonkovidova - short answer is yes the idea is that we want users to be able to switch from the AI suggestions to other editors. However, we are adding the separate dialog F33997229 as you note below to let the user know that there edits will be lost when they switch from Suggestions mode (which is different from users typically having edits kept when switch between VE and source)/

I guess it's just not implemented yet. I looked at the mockup in T269653: Add a link: edit mode toggle (machine suggestions & visual) - the confirmation dialog is supposed to be

image.png (453×261 px, 15 KB)
not this one?
image.png (1×724 px, 109 KB)

That's correct, the specific "leave suggestions mode" dialog should be shown instead.

Visual design of the toolbar on mobile LGTM, and copy has been updated

image.png (372×756 px, 65 KB)

image.png (336×788 px, 38 KB)

image.png (1×790 px, 188 KB)