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Optimize discoverability of the 'info' button at the top right
Closed, ResolvedPublic



Screenshot_20210326-124921.png (2×1 px, 357 KB)

  • Optimize the discoverability of 'info' button at the top right as 2/5 participants had issues finding it.
  • Info button leads users out of the app (into the web browser) which leads to user orientation issues
  • Add FAQ label next to 'info i' icon (screen 1)
  • Display FAQ page as a web view in the app (screen 2)
Previous conversations

JT: What about a question mark instead of an i?

RS: Changing the icon won’t not solve the discoverability issue, I will consider adding an additional label or different positioning of the FAQ.

Event Timeline

(Note: As mentioned previously, it will not be possible to show the FAQ page in a private WebView. The user will be taken to their default browser app.)

Thanks @Dbrant


(Note: As mentioned previously, it will not be possible to show the FAQ page in a private WebView. The user will be taken to their default browser app.)

Please change the 'info` icon to an external link icon then, to set the user’s expectation correctly.

2) Please apply a 0.5sp letter spacing for the FAQ label, see designs on Zeplin.