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Approved-Revs extension causes 'noindex,nofollow' robot tag on every page
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I think my reported Issue T265355 seems to originate from this extension.

I am seeing a noindex,nofollow tag on every page in my wiki. When disabling approved revs the tag disappears. Interestingly enough, when using the patched Article class in the mentioned task the issue is fixed.

The method removeRobotsTag mentions that this is not an ideal solution, could that be the origin of the bug?

Event Timeline

Krinkle renamed this task from MW 1.35 'noindex,nofollow' robot tag on every page to Approved-Revs extension causes 'noindex,nofollow' robot tag on every page.Jun 2 2023, 1:22 PM

@Octfx - sorry for the very long delay. I don't see this problem on a local wiki that runs Approved Revs. Are you still using Approved Revs, and if so, are you still seeing this problem?

Sorry, totally missed this. Actually it is not related to ApprovedRevs but to the task in the mention.

Okay, thank you for responding.