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Browser tests for Reference Previews anonymous settings dialog
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The anonymous use cases for reference previews in "full" feature mode include changes to the settings dialog. Supporting code is quite complex and should be covered by tests. Let's write basic browser tests as follows:

  • includes/DevelopmentSettings.php should enable Reference Previews "full" mode.
  • All users see the cog wheel in reference popups.
  • Cog wheel leads to the modal settings dialog for anons, and the appearance preferences tab for registered users.
  • Settings dialog includes the "reference previews" setting.
  • Changing this setting is sticky, lasts across pageviews.
  • Footer is visible whenever either page or reference previews is disabled and enablement is allowed.

Event Timeline

Footer is always available.

Only when at least one of the popup types is disabled.

Registered users don't see the cog wheel.

They do, always, in all popups. It's just a link to their preferences page.

Footer is always available.

Only when at least one of the popup types is disabled.

Registered users don't see the cog wheel.

They do, always, in all popups. It's just a link to their preferences page.

Description updated, thank you!

Change 686494 had a related patch set uploaded (by Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE); author: Thiemo Kreuz (WMDE)):

[mediawiki/extensions/Popups@master] Add missing test cases for the settings reducer

Change 686494 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/Popups@master] Add missing test cases for the settings reducer

Jdlrobson subscribed.

Please do not add further browser tests to Popups. We are hoping to move away from the majority of these towards other approaches to testing.