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extensions/GlobalNotice - Use UserGroupManager instead of User group methods
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Find all usages of:

  • public function getGroups()
  • public function getGroupMemberships()
  • public function getEffectiveGroups()
  • public function getAutomaticGroups()
  • public function getFormerGroups()
  • public function addGroup()
  • public function removeGroup()
  • public function addAutopromoteOnceGroups())

and need to be replaced with corresponding UserGroupManager methods.
You can obtain UserGroupManager via MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getUserGroupManager(), but it's preferred to inject it if possible.

Event Timeline

Vlad.shapik triaged this task as Medium priority.May 4 2021, 2:12 PM
Vlad.shapik created this task.
Vlad.shapik renamed this task from extensions/GlobalNotice - hard deprecate User group methods to extensions/GlobalNotice - Use UserGroupManager instead of User group methods.May 6 2021, 2:42 PM

Change 701563 had a related patch set uploaded (by Vlad.shapik; author: Vlad.shapik):

[mediawiki/extensions/GlobalNotice@master] Avoid using User group methods

Change 701563 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GlobalNotice@master] Avoid using User group methods