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[Newpyter] Conda stacked environment overwrites TAR environment variable
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For some reason when using stacked conda environment TAR is set to /bin/gtar which doesn't exist on any of the stat hosts, preventing certain packages from being installed – namely the wmfdata R package which is downloaded from GitHub.

$ which R && R -e "Sys.getenv('TAR'); R.version.string"
> Sys.getenv('TAR'); R.version.string
[1] "/bin/tar"
[1] "R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)"

(Consequently no problems installing wmfdata-r there.)

$ source conda-activate-stacked
Activating /home/bearloga/.conda/envs/2021-05-07T20.39.55_bearloga stacked on /usr/lib/anaconda-wmf...
$ which R && R -e "Sys.getenv('TAR'); R.version.string"
> Sys.getenv('TAR'); R.version.string
[1] "/bin/gtar"
[1] "R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)"

(Causes problems because there is no /bin/gtar)



succeeds outside of conda and fails within a conda environment:

Downloading GitHub repo wikimedia/wmfdata-r@HEAD
sh: 1: /bin/gtar: not found
sh: 1: /bin/gtar: not found
Error: Failed to install 'wmfdata' from GitHub:
  error in running command

Temporary solution: Running Sys.setenv(TAR = "/usr/bin/tar") first allows {remotes} package to call the correct utility instead of the non-existent /bin/gtar.