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Update Freenode IRC related documentation on wikis
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cf. T283236: Update [[mw:Template:Irc]] to link to Libera instead of Freenode

Should likely explicitly search for that term across wikis (meta,, Random examples:

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NOTE: On the "access" command is not a valid chanserv command. (they haven't aliased it, you'll get " Invalid ChanServ command.").

You need to use the "flags" command instead!

/msg chanserv flags #channelname

A bunch of places (including docs themselves at are still listing the well-known previous "access list" commands.

edit: has been fixed in upstream docs which is used in other pages used a http(s) link to webchat.freenode, but we dont' have webchat on Libera, so I replaced http:// with irc:// for now.

edit: let's make that irc:// -> ircs://..:6697 as well

We need to edit the InterWiki link data:

See "irc" on

That's why the Channel template still links to Freenode. It uses [[irc: interwiki links.

Afair, this has to be edited on db level, right?

We need to edit the InterWiki link data:

See "irc" on

That's why the Channel template still links to Freenode. It uses [[irc: interwiki links.

Afair, this has to be edited on db level, right?

We added a "LiberaChat" interwiki instead, as irc is used for too many channels and we don't know if all of them have moved to Libera Chat.

Thanks! As Reedy pointed out that was added on

I used that in Template::Channel now instead of the "irc" interwiki prefix and it's good enough like that. We don't have to touch "irc" which might affect other things outside of wikitech. I think we are done for that site; only page I don't know enough about is and CVNbot (might need another migration ticket for that bot?).

Zabe triaged this task as High priority.May 28 2021, 8:35 PM

Using -hastemplate:historical -hastemplate:tnt|historical for search results could be helpful. In addition, would also like to use inlanguage:en but seems broken (or I just don't get it); filed T283986: "inlanguage" search parameter not working as expected on (due to wrong page content language set for lots of pages).

This task has served its purpose