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Selenium Tests are running on Node v10, but require Node v12 in MobileFrontend
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Currently selenium tests are running on Node v10, but while commit and pushing changes it requires Node v12 support.

1sahil@sahil-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/newmedi/mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend$ git status
2On branch master
3Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
5Changes to be committed:
6 (use "git restore --staged <file>..." to unstage)
7 modified: package-lock.json
8 modified: package.json
9 modified: tests/selenium/wdio.conf.js
11sahil@sahil-VirtualBox:~/Desktop/newmedi/mediawiki/extensions/MobileFrontend$ git commit
12TAP version 13
13ok 1 MobileFrontend imports > All our code is importable in headless Node.js
14ok 2 MobileFrontend CategoryGateway.js > getCategories()
15ok 3 MobileFrontend CategoryGateway.js > save()
16ok 4 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #getContent (no section)
17ok 5 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #getContent
18ok 6 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #getContent, new page
19ok 7 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #getContent, missing section
20ok 8 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #getBlockInfo
21ok 9 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, success
22ok 10 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, new page
23ok 11 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, after #setPrependText
24ok 12 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, submit CAPTCHA
25ok 13 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, request failure
26ok 14 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, API failure
27ok 15 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, CAPTCHA response with image URL
28ok 16 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, AbuseFilter warning
29ok 17 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, AbuseFilter disallow
30ok 18 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, AbuseFilter other
31ok 19 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, extension errors
32ok 20 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, read-only error
33ok 21 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, unknown errors
34ok 22 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, without changes
35ok 23 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #EditorGateway
36ok 24 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #EditorGateway, check without sectionLine
37ok 25 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #EditorGateway, check with sectionLine
38ok 26 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/EditorGateway > #save, when token has expired
39ok 27 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/SourceEditorOverlay > #initialize, blocked user
40ok 28 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/SourceEditorOverlay > #initialize, with given page and section
41ok 29 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/SourceEditorOverlay > #initialize, without a section
42ok 30 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/SourceEditorOverlay > #preview
43ok 31 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/SourceEditorOverlay > #initialize, as anonymous
44ok 32 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/identifyLeadParagraph > identifyLeadParagraph
45ok 33 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/parseBlockInfo > blockInfo
46ok 34 MobileFrontend mobile.editor.overlay/parseBlockInfo > blockInfo2
47ok 35 MobileFrontend editorLoadingOverlay.js > editorLoadingOverlay calls the callbacks
48ok 36 MobileFrontend LanguageSearcher.js > renders output
49ok 37 MobileFrontend LanguageSearcher.js > saves the language count when link is clicked
50ok 38 MobileFrontend LanguageSearcher.js > without variants, input event filters languages
51ok 39 MobileFrontend LanguageSearcher.js > with variants, input event filters languages
52ok 40 MobileFrontend mobile.languages.structured/util.test.js > #getFrequentlyUsedLanguages
53ok 41 MobileFrontend mobile.languages.structured/util.test.js > #saveLanguageUsageCount
54ok 42 MobileFrontend mobile.languages.structured/util.test.js > #getStructuredLanguages
55ok 43 MobileFrontend mobile.languages.structured/util.test.js > #getStructuredLanguages device language
56ok 44 MobileFrontend mobile.languages.structured/util.test.js > #getStructuredLanguages variants
57ok 45 MobileFrontend mobile.mediaViewer/ImageCarousel.js > Shows details bar and image with successful api response
58ok 46 MobileFrontend mobile.mediaViewer/ImageCarousel.js > Shows error message with failed api response
59ok 47 MobileFrontend mobile.mediaViewer/ImageCarousel.js > Toggling of details is disabled when overlay has load failure
60ok 48 MobileFrontend mobile.mediaViewer/ImageCarousel.js > Toggling of details is enabled when overlay loads successfully
61ok 49 MobileFrontend mobile.mediaViewer/ImageGateway > #findSizeBucket
62ok 50 MobileFrontend mobile.mediaViewer/ImageGateway > ImageGateway#getThumb (missing page)
63ok 51 MobileFrontend NearbyGateway.js > _distanceMessage()
64ok 52 MobileFrontend NearbyGateway.js > getPages()
65ok 53 MobileFrontend NearbyGateway.js > getPagesAroundPage()
66ok 54 MobileFrontend WatchList.js > In watched mode
67ok 55 MobileFrontend WatchListGateway.js > loadWatchlist() loads results from the first page
68ok 56 MobileFrontend WatchListGateway.js > loadWatchlist() loads results from the second page from last item of first
69ok 57 MobileFrontend WatchListGateway.js > loadWatchlist() doesn't throw an error when no pages are returned
70ok 58 MobileFrontend WatchListGateway.js > loadWatchlist() marks pages as new if necessary
71ok 59 MobileFrontend Browser.js > isIos()
72ok 60 MobileFrontend Browser.js > Methods are cached
73ok 61 MobileFrontend Browser.js > isWideScreen()
74ok 62 MobileFrontend Browser.js > supportsTouchEvents()
75ok 63 MobileFrontend Browser.js > supportsGeoLocation()
76ok 64 MobileFrontend Button.js > creates a link if passed href option
77ok 65 MobileFrontend Button.js > does not add href attribute when not a link
78ok 66 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > redirectParams() > empty props, default URL
79ok 67 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > redirectParams() > empty props, nondefault URL
80ok 68 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > redirectParams() > nonempty props
81ok 69 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > signUpParams() > empty props
82ok 70 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > signUpParams() > nonempty props
83ok 71 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > HTML > defaults
84ok 72 MobileFrontend CtaDrawer.js > HTML > overrides
85ok 73 MobileFrontend Drawer.js > visible on show()
86ok 74 MobileFrontend Drawer.js > accepts onShow and events
87ok 75 MobileFrontend Drawer.js > hidden on hide()
88ok 76 MobileFrontend Drawer.js > hidden on mask click
89ok 77 MobileFrontend Drawer.js > HTML is valid
90ok 78 MobileFrontend: Overlay.js > Simple overlay
91ok 79 MobileFrontend: Overlay.js > #make
92ok 80 MobileFrontend: Overlay.js > HTML overlay
93ok 81 MobileFrontend: Overlay.js > headerActions property
94ok 82 MobileFrontend: Overlay.js > onBeforeExit
95ok 83 MobileFrontend: Overlay.js > Close overlay
96ok 84 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #getSingleton (hash present and overlay not managed)
97ok 85 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #getSingleton (hash present and overlay managed)
98ok 86 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #getSingleton
99ok 87 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #add
100ok 88 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #show
101ok 89 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #add, with current path
102ok 90 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #add, with string literal (matching)
103ok 91 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #add, with string literal (not matching)
104ok 92 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > #replaceCurrent
105ok 93 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > route with params
106ok 94 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > hide when route changes
107ok 95 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > go back (change route) if overlay hidden but not by route change
108ok 96 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > go back if overlayManager still matches
109ok 97 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > go back if overlayManager still matches (non-regex)
110ok 98 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > do not go back (change route) if overlay hidden by change in route
111ok 99 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > preventDefault called when you cancel an exit request
112ok 100 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > Browser back can be overidden
113ok 101 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > stacked overlays
114ok 102 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > prevent route change
115ok 103 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > stack increases and decreases at right times
116ok 104 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/OverlayManager > replace overlay when route event path is equal to current path
117ok 105 MobileFrontend Page.js > #isMainPage
118ok 106 MobileFrontend PageGateway > #getPageLanguages (response)
119ok 107 MobileFrontend PageGateway > #getPageLanguages (call)
120ok 108 MobileFrontend PageGateway > #_getAPIResponseFromHTML
121ok 109 MobileFrontend PageGateway > #getSectionsFromHTML malformed (h2 before h1)
122ok 110 MobileFrontend PageHTMLParser.js > #findInSectionLead
123ok 111 MobileFrontend PageHTMLParser.js > #getThumbnails
124ok 112 MobileFrontend ScrollEndEventEmitter.js > initializes properly
125ok 113 MobileFrontend ScrollEndEventEmitter.js > emits scroll end event
126ok 114 MobileFrontend ScrollEndEventEmitter.js > doesn't emit when disabled
127ok 115 MobileFrontend Section.js > initialize with options
128ok 116 MobileFrontend Section.js > initialize with subsections
129ok 117 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Mobile mode - Toggle section
130ok 118 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Mobile mode - Clicking a hash link to reveal an already open section
131ok 119 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Mobile mode - Reveal element
132ok 120 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Mobile mode - Clicking hash links
133ok 121 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Mobile mode - Tap event toggles section
134ok 122 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Accessibility - Verify ARIA attributes
135ok 123 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Tablet mode - Open by default
136ok 124 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Tablet mode - Open by default 2
137ok 125 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Accessibility - Pressing space/ enter toggles a heading
138ok 126 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Clicking a link within a heading isn't triggering a toggle
139ok 127 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Toggling a section stores its state.
140ok 128 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Check for and remove obsolete stored sections.
141ok 129 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > Expanding already expanded section does not toggle it.
142ok 130 MobileFrontend Toggler.js > MobileFrontend toggle.js - Expand stored sections.
143ok 131 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View
144ok 132 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View, jQuery proxy functions
145ok 133 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View#preRender
146ok 134 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View#postRender
147ok 135 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View#delegateEvents
148ok 136 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View#render (with isTemplateMode)
149ok 137 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View#render events (with isTemplateMode)
150ok 138 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View with className option
151ok 139 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/View > View.make()
152ok 140 MobileFrontend amcOutreach/AmcEnableForm.js > renders correctly
153ok 141 MobileFrontend amcOutreachDrawer.js > returns a drawer
154ok 142 MobileFrontend amcOutreachDrawer.js > calls promoCampaign.makeActionIneligible and onBeforeHide callback when dismissed
155ok 143 MobileFrontend amcOutreachDrawer.js > calls promoCampaign.makeActionIneligible and toast.showOnPageReload when user enables
156ok 144 MobileFrontend cache.js > cache set() and get()
157ok 145 MobileFrontend extendSearchParams.js > it throws if the feature is invalid
158ok 146 MobileFrontend extendSearchParams.js > it extends the parameters
159ok 147 MobileFrontend extendSearchParams.js > it doesn't include Wikibase-specific parameters if the feature is disabled
160ok 148 MobileFrontend extendSearchParams.js > it adds the MobileFrontend configuration to given terms types
161ok 149 MobileFrontend extendSearchParams.js > it prioritizes MobileFrontend configuration
162ok 150 MobileFrontend extendSearchParams.js > it is variadic
163ok 151 MobileFrontend icons.js > #cancel()
164ok 152 MobileFrontend icons.js > #cancel(variant)
165ok 153 MobileFrontend icons.js > #spinner()
166ok 154 MobileFrontend getDeviceLanguage > returns language code of device in lowercase
167ok 155 MobileFrontend languageOverlay.js > #constructor
168ok 156 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #queryPlaceholders() empty
169ok 157 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #queryPlaceholders() nonempty
170ok 158 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImage() copy attributes
171ok 159 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImage() loaded
172ok 160 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImage() load error
173ok 161 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImages() empty
174ok 162 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImages() nonempty
175ok 163 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImages() plural
176ok 164 MobileFrontend lazyImageLoader.js > #loadImages() one fails to load, one succeeds
177ok 165 MobileFrontend mfExtend.test.js > mfExtend() - extending from constructor
178ok 166 MobileFrontend mfExtend.test.js > mfExtend() - extending from object
179ok 167 MobileFrontend mfExtend.test.js > mfExtend() - extending from constructor with overrides
180ok 168 MobileFrontend ModuleLoader > #require
181ok 169 MobileFrontend ModuleLoader > #define
182ok 170 MobileFrontend pageJSONParser > .parse()
183ok 171 MobileFrontend promisedView.js > #constructor happyView
184ok 172 MobileFrontend promisedView.js > #constructor when promise rejects but not to a sadView
185ok 173 MobileFrontend promisedView.js > #constructor when promise rejects to a sadView
186ok 174 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible throws when invalid
187ok 175 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible when campaign off
188ok 176 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible when user ineligible
189ok 177 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible when storage is not available
190ok 178 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible when storage key is ineligible
191ok 179 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible when eligible
192ok 180 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #showIfEligible when eligible and passed additional args
193ok 181 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #makeActionIneligible when successful
194ok 182 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #makeActionIneligible when unsuccessful
195ok 183 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #makeActionIneligible when invalid action
196ok 184 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #makeAllActionsIneligible
197ok 185 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #isCampaignActive when true
198ok 186 MobileFrontend promoCampaign.js > #isCampaignActive when false
199ok 187 MobileFrontend ReferencesHtmlScraperGateway.test.js > getReference() checking good reference
200ok 188 MobileFrontend ReferencesHtmlScraperGateway.test.js > getReference() checking bad reference
201ok 189 MobileFrontend ReferencesHtmlScraperGateway.test.js > getReference() checking encoded reference
202ok 190 MobileFrontend ReferencesHtmlScraperGateway.test.js > getReference() adds an extra class for external links
203ok 191 MobileFrontend: references > Bad reference not shown
204ok 192 MobileFrontend: references > Good reference causes render
205ok 193 MobileFrontend: references > Reference failure renders error in drawer
206ok 194 MobileFrontend: references > makeOnNestedReferenceClickHandler runs when associated with link
207ok 195 MobileFrontend: MobileWebSearchLogger > it should log when the search is shown
208ok 196 MobileFrontend: MobileWebSearchLogger > it should log when the search API request completes
209ok 197 MobileFrontend: MobileWebSearchLogger > it should refresh the user session token when the search is shown again
210ok 198 MobileFrontend: MobileWebSearchLogger > it should log when the user clicks a result
211ok 199 MobileFrontend: MobileWebSearchLogger > it should refresh the search session token when the search API request completes again
212ok 200 MobileFrontend: SearchGateway > ._highlightSearchTerm
213ok 201 MobileFrontend: SearchGateway > show redirect targets
214ok 202 MobileFrontend: SearchGateway > MobileFrontend SearchGateway (Wikidata Descriptions) > Wikidata Description in search results
215ok 203 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/SearchOverlay.js > renders correctly
216ok 204 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/SearchOverlay.js > resetSearch
217ok 205 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/SearchOverlay.js > onClickOverlayContent
218ok 206 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/SearchResultsView.js > renders correctly
219ok 207 MobileFrontend time.js > timeAgo()
220ok 208 MobileFrontend util.js > Promise.all() success
221ok 209 MobileFrontend util.js > Promise.all() reject
222ok 210 MobileFrontend util.js > escapeSelector()
223ok 211 MobileFrontend util.js > grep()
224ok 212 MobileFrontend util.js > docReady()
225ok 213 MobileFrontend util.js > Deferred() - resolve
226ok 214 MobileFrontend util.js > Deferred() - reject
227ok 215 MobileFrontend util.js > getDocument()
228ok 216 MobileFrontend util.js > getWindow()
229ok 217 MobileFrontend util.js > parseHTML()
230ok 218 MobileFrontend util.js > isNumeric()
231ok 219 MobileFrontend util.js > extend()
232ok 220 MobileFrontend util.js > escapeHash()
233ok 221 MobileFrontend util.js > isModifiedEvent() - true
234ok 222 MobileFrontend util.js > isModifiedEvent() - false
235ok 223 MobileFrontend util.js > repeatEvent
236ok 224 MobileFrontend Watchstar.js > Render a watchstar
237ok 225 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > getStatuses(nonempty)
238ok 226 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > getStatuses(empty)
239ok 227 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > getStatusesByID(nonempty)
240ok 228 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > getStatusesByID(empty)
241ok 229 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > getStatusesByTitle(nonempty)
242ok 230 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > getStatusesByTitle(empty)
243ok 231 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > _unmarshalGetResponse(nonempty)
244ok 232 MobileFrontend: WatchstarGateway.js > _unmarshalGetResponse(empty)
245ok 233 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/WatchstarPageList > Watchlist status check if no ids
246ok 234 MobileFrontend mobile.startup/WatchstarPageList > Checks watchlist status once
247ok 235 MobileFrontend AddTopicForm > makePanel()
248ok 236 MobileFrontend AddTopicForm > AddTopicForm
249ok 237 MobileFrontend TalkSectionAddOverlay > save()
250ok 238 MobileFrontend TalkSectionOverlay.js - logged in > Check comment box for logged in users
251ok 239 MobileFrontend TalkSectionOverlay.js - logged in > Check disabled property on textarea
252ok 240 MobileFrontend TalkSectionOverlay.js - logged in > Check api request on save
253ok 241 MobileFrontend TalkSectionOverlay.js - anonymous (logged out) > Check comment box for logged out users
254ok 242 MobileFrontend autosign.js > #autosign
255ok 243 MobileFrontend makeAddTopicForm > makeAddTopicForm
257# pass 243
258# skip 0
259# todo 0
260# fail 0
262File | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
264All files | 63.09 | 48.64 | 59.49 | 63.09 |
265 mobile.categories.overlays | 31.06 | 5.56 | 14.81 | 31.06 |
266 CategoryAddOverlay.js | 24.32 | 0 | 0 | 24.32 | 19,69-143
267 CategoryGateway.js | 88.89 | 50 | 100 | 88.89 | 63,74
268 CategoryLookupInputWidget.js | 24.14 | 0 | 0 | 24.14 | 13-19,33-42,53,65-73,85-102
269 CategoryTabs.js | 18.75 | 0 | 0 | 18.75 | 25-29,85-191
270 mobile.editor.overlay | 42.59 | 34.21 | 33.59 | 42.59 |
271 BlockMessageDetails.js | 9.43 | 0 | 0 | 9.43 | 13-140
272 EditorGateway.js | 92.77 | 85 | 93.75 | 92.77 | 49,90,106,227,282-285
273 EditorOverlayBase.js | 40.69 | 13.64 | 31.25 | 40.69 | 23-25,88,188-348,380-387,444-547,614,673-707
274 SourceEditorOverlay.js | 41.24 | 33.33 | 31.43 | 41.24 | 41,44-45,90-92,119-129,147-194,224,230,234-250,268-271,292,314-316,330-335,357,362-367,416-573
275 VisualEditorOverlay.js | 10.42 | 0 | 0 | 10.42 | 23-78,112-304
276 blockMessageDrawer.js | 21.74 | 0 | 25 | 21.74 | 29-56
277 identifyLeadParagraph.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
278 parseBlockInfo.js | 92.59 | 85 | 75 | 92.59 | 31,69
279 saveFailureMessage.js | 11.11 | 0 | 0 | 11.11 | 12-28
280 setPreferredEditor.js | 20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 7-12
281 mobile.init | 15.77 | 0 | 13.95 | 15.77 |
282 editor.js | 6.42 | 0 | 0 | 6.42 | 28-522,526-551
283 editorLoadingOverlay.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
284 fakeToolbar.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
285 lazyLoadedImages.js | 11.11 | 0 | 0 | 11.11 | 9-58
286 toggling.js | 7.69 | 0 | 0 | 7.69 | 4-46
287 mobile.init/eventLogging | 3.41 | 0 | 0 | 3.41 |
288 schemaEditAttemptStep.js | 1.49 | 0 | 0 | 1.49 | 2-176
289 schemaMobileWebSearch.js | 16.67 | 100 | 0 | 16.67 | 2-26
290 schemaVisualEditorFeatureUse.js | 6.67 | 0 | 0 | 6.67 | 2-53
291 mobile.languages.structured | 93.14 | 82.76 | 95 | 93.14 |
292 LanguageSearcher.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
293 mobile.languages.structured.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
294 rtlLanguages.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
295 util.js | 89.06 | 76.19 | 92.31 | 89.06 | 45,62,130-132,164,174
296 mobile.mediaViewer | 81.34 | 52 | 81.82 | 81.34 |
297 ImageCarousel.js | 78.43 | 41.67 | 80 | 78.43 | 103-113,124-125,149-150,177,221,275-284,334-335,342,363
298 ImageGateway.js | 95.24 | 78.57 | 100 | 95.24 | 57
299 LoadErrorMessage.js | 81.82 | 100 | 66.67 | 81.82 | 74-76
300 mobile.special.nearby.scripts | 73.17 | 56.67 | 60 | 73.17 |
301 LocationProvider.js | 20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 19-66
302 NearbyGateway.js | 92.86 | 77.27 | 90 | 92.86 | 121,138,151,156
303 nearbyErrorMessage.js | 66.67 | 0 | 0 | 66.67 | 35-37
304 mobile.special.watchlist.scripts | 85.48 | 83.33 | 64.29 | 85.48 |
305 WatchList.js | 74.19 | 50 | 44.44 | 74.19 | 34,92-125
306 WatchListGateway.js | 96.77 | 87.5 | 100 | 96.77 | 49
307 mobile.startup | 83.28 | 76.98 | 78.11 | 83.28 |
308 Anchor.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
309 Browser.js | 96.77 | 93.75 | 100 | 96.77 | 69
310 Button.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
311 CtaDrawer.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
312 Drawer.js | 100 | 100 | 90.91 | 100 |
313 Icon.js | 88.46 | 81.25 | 80 | 88.46 | 59-114
314 LanguageInfo.js | 20 | 0 | 0 | 20 | 11,25-65
315 MessageBox.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
316 Overlay.js | 89.8 | 70 | 84.62 | 89.8 | 54,110,113,164-165
317 OverlayManager.js | 99.06 | 94.74 | 100 | 99.06 | 59
318 Page.js | 46.15 | 85.71 | 33.33 | 46.15 | 69-71,94-103,120-129,148-178
319 PageGateway.js | 88.33 | 76 | 93.33 | 88.33 | 22-28,104,123,139
320 PageHTMLParser.js | 95.65 | 97.14 | 87.5 | 95.65 | 36,201
321 PageList.js | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 60
322 ScrollEndEventEmitter.js | 85.71 | 81.82 | 87.5 | 85.71 | 130-133
323 Section.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
324 Skin.js | 30 | 0 | 0 | 30 | 23-29,50-98,108-115
325 Thumbnail.js | 88.89 | 100 | 75 | 88.89 | 47
326 Toggler.js | 88 | 73.53 | 86.36 | 88 | 55-61,207,232,236,267,309,351-353,371-372,385-388,392
327 View.js | 92.42 | 75 | 88.24 | 92.42 | 184,198-201,353
328 actionParams.js | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 16
329 cache.js | 100 | 100 | 50 | 100 |
330 categoryOverlay.js | 46.15 | 0 | 0 | 46.15 | 20-51
331 currentPage.js | 21.43 | 0 | 0 | 21.43 | 18-48
332 currentPageHTMLParser.js | 33.33 | 0 | 0 | 33.33 | 18-24
333 eventBusSingleton.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
334 extendSearchParams.js | 94.44 | 70 | 100 | 94.44 | 71
335 headers.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
336 icons.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
337 loadingOverlay.js | 50 | 100 | 0 | 50 | 12-17
338 mfExtend.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
339 mobile.startup.js | 83.33 | 100 | 0 | 83.33 | 45
340 moduleLoader.js | 78.26 | 62.5 | 66.67 | 78.26 | 45,78-100
341 moduleLoaderSingleton.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
342 promisedView.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
343 showOnPageReload.js | 41.67 | 25 | 50 | 41.67 | 14-16,39-46
344 time.js | 25 | 11.11 | 16.67 | 25 | 35-144
345 util.js | 100 | 90 | 100 | 100 | 17
346 mobile.startup/amcOutreach | 84.38 | 50 | 75 | 84.38 |
347 AmcEnableForm.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
348 amcOutreach.js | 61.54 | 0 | 0 | 61.54 | 34-77
349 amcOutreachDrawer.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
350 mobile.startup/languageOverlay | 80 | 100 | 55.56 | 80 |
351 getDeviceLanguage.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
352 languageInfoOverlay.js | 54.55 | 100 | 0 | 54.55 | 15-38
353 languageOverlay.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
354 mobile.startup/lazyImages | 95.83 | 93.75 | 100 | 95.83 |
355 lazyImageLoader.js | 95.83 | 93.75 | 100 | 95.83 | 55
356 mobile.startup/mediaViewer | 63.64 | 100 | 0 | 63.64 |
357 overlay.js | 63.64 | 100 | 0 | 63.64 | 15-32
358 mobile.startup/page | 86.67 | 80 | 100 | 86.67 |
359 pageJSONParser.js | 86.67 | 80 | 100 | 86.67 | 37-38
360 mobile.startup/promoCampaign | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
361 promoCampaign.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
362 mobile.startup/references | 83.02 | 77.27 | 78.57 | 83.02 |
363 ReferencesGateway.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
364 ReferencesHtmlScraperGateway.js | 95 | 87.5 | 100 | 95 | 41
365 references.js | 71.43 | 71.43 | 66.67 | 71.43 | 54,118-131
366 mobile.startup/search | 64.36 | 38.1 | 59.62 | 64.36 |
367 MobileWebSearchLogger.js | 75 | 100 | 87.5 | 75 | 120-125
368 SearchGateway.js | 91.3 | 58.33 | 84.62 | 91.3 | 49-50,168,174
369 SearchHeaderView.js | 57.14 | 0 | 66.67 | 57.14 | 30-35,61-66
370 SearchOverlay.js | 37.18 | 20.83 | 20 | 37.18 | 34,47,75-92,114-151,184-185,192-196,210-316
371 SearchResultsView.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
372 searchHeader.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
373 mobile.startup/watchstar | 91.67 | 75 | 91.3 | 91.67 |
374 WatchstarGateway.js | 84 | 80 | 90 | 84 | 113-120
375 WatchstarPageList.js | 95.45 | 75 | 100 | 95.45 | 93,126
376 watchstar.js | 93.33 | 66.67 | 50 | 93.33 | 26
377 | 67.76 | 25.49 | 60.61 | 67.76 |
378 AddTopicForm.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
379 TalkSectionAddOverlay.js | 50 | 0 | 41.67 | 50 | 83-149,185
380 TalkSectionOverlay.js | 68.97 | 22.73 | 53.85 | 68.97 | 48-54,122-140,189,205,223-248
381 autosign.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
382 makeAddTopicForm.js | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
384Checking the contents of resources/dist
386I will now check that you built them using the correct Node.js version v12.21.0.
387Note: You are using v10.15.2.
388Building assets...
389You are not running the required node version
391pre-commit: We've failed to pass the specified git pre-commit hooks as the `precommit`
392pre-commit: hook returned an exit code (1). If you're feeling adventurous you can
393pre-commit: skip the git pre-commit hooks by adding the following flags to your commit:
395pre-commit: git commit -n (or --no-verify)
397pre-commit: This is ill-advised since the commit is broken.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. ยท View Herald TranscriptJun 10 2021, 11:10 AM

I use nvm to get round this issue. If installed you can run nvm use to address this problem.

@Sahilgrewalhere did you manage to install node v12.21.0 via nvm?

@Sahilgrewalhere I can't reproduce this. I can commit from node v10 just fine.