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The compatibility of the languages of the application and the phone is not accurate
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


Steps to reproduce

  1. open "Settings" App
  2. click "General management"
  3. click Language
  4. click "Add language"
  5. select "Русский"
  6. remove "English"
  7. open App Wikipedia 2.7.50363-r-2021-06-21
  8. click button "More"
  9. click button "Settings"
  10. notice - the language is EN-English
  11. click "arrow button" to back to home page
  12. scroll down to the card "Picture of the day"
  13. notice the buttons "скачать", "поделиться" are in Russian
  14. scroll down to the card "On this day"
  15. notice the information "108 лет назад" is in Russian

download and share_Wikipedia_Android.jpg (2×1 px, 440 KB)

on this day_Wikipedia-Android.jpg (2×1 px, 386 KB)

link for video reproducing the bug >>>

Expected results

Phone language should not affect the selected language in the app

Actual results

When choosing English in the application and Russian in the phone, the content: date, download, share remain in Russian, but should in English

Stack trace

(Optional logcat output and link to OTRS or HockeyApp)

Environments observed

App version: Wikipedia 2.7.50363-r-2021-06-21
Android OS versions: Android 11
Device model: Galaxy A51
Device language:English

Event Timeline

@JTannerWMF @schoenbaechler The picture of the day is as expected, since the commons stuff is language agnostic, it is correctly shown in the device language. I have put in the fix for Otd card.