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Server side upload to enwikisource (>200MB DJVU)
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Please upload the following file to enwikisource:

File name: The Optician and Scientific Instrument Maker - August 1921-February 1922.djvu
User: Inductiveload

File description:

== {{int:filedesc}} ==
| Author       = 
| Editor       = 
| Translator   = 
| Illustrator  =
| Title        = The Optician and Scientific Instrument Maker
| Subtitle     = 
| Series title =
| Volume       = 62 (August 1921–February 1922)
| Edition      =
| Publisher    = 
| Printer      = 
| Date         = 1921
| City         = London
| Language     = {{language|en}}
| Description  =
| Source       = {{HathiTrust|osu.32436001799848|book}}
| Image        = {{PAGENAME}}
| Image page   = 
| Permission   =
| Other versions =
| Wikisource   = s:en:Index:{{PAGENAME}}
| Homecat      =
| Wikidata     =
| OCLC         = 

== {{int:license-header}} ==

[[Category:DjVu files in English]]
[[Category:The Optician and Scientific Instrument Maker]]

API uploads have repeatedly failed due to T278104

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added subscribers: Masumrezarock100, Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

I'm unable to download this file, it looks like this on my end:

image.png (557×1 px, 27 KB)

My browser definitely is JS-enabled.

How can I get to the file please?

Apologies, please use the updated URL (stream -> download). Not sure where I copied that from on the IA page, but it should have been the download endpoint!

Apologies, please use the updated URL (stream -> download). Not sure where I copied that from on the IA page, but it should have been the download endpoint!

Thanks, this URL works. I'm downloading this to the maintenance host, but please note that T289711#7310131 needs to be done before I start the upload. Thanks!

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2021-08-25T19:54:02Z] <urbanecm> enwikisource: Start server-side upload for one video file (T289698)

Urbanecm claimed this task.

This is done now (a while ago, just forgot to close).