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ChangeMentor sometimes takes over a second per change
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When working on T291194, I noticed that ChangeMentor sometimes takes over a second per mentor.

2021-09-16 18:36:17 [dc3e712e-4631-41b0-b7e1-af159d7e4c5d] mw1392 arwiki 1.37.0-wmf.21 api INFO: API POST Martin_Urbanec_(WMF) [redacted] T=172ms action=growthsetmentor [redacted]
2021-09-16 18:36:27 [e0325fa8-ee09-481b-a3fa-8cf5d54001c2] mw1443 arwiki 1.37.0-wmf.21 api INFO: API POST Martin_Urbanec_(WMF) [redacted] T=1100ms action=growthsetmentor [redacted]
2021-09-16 18:36:29 [74966b8c-ce1e-4f34-b2a4-868830efe134] mw1410 arwiki 1.37.0-wmf.21 api INFO: API POST Martin_Urbanec_(WMF) [redacted] T=1136ms action=growthsetmentor [redacted] says MultiHttpClient::runMultiCurl takes most time in those requests. By live testing on production, I confirmed sending an Echo notification from as a deferred update speeds the API a lot for the client (while taking similar time once requests finishes).

Since notifying the mentee does not need to happen during the request, I decided to put it in a deferred update.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 721597 had a related patch set uploaded (by Urbanecm; author: Urbanecm):

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] ChangeMentor: Execute notify as a deferred update

Further investigation shows push notifications (enabled on all Wikipedias) indeed to make use of http requests (which, in WMF setup, likely calls curl):

urbanecm@notebook  ~/unsynced/gerrit/mediawiki/extensions/Echo
$ git grep Http
ServiceWiring.php:              $httpRequestFactory = $services->getHttpRequestFactory();
includes/ForeignWikiRequest.php:                $http = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHttpRequestFactory()->createMultiClient();
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:use MediaWiki\Http\HttpRequestFactory;
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:use MWHttpRequest;
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:    /** @var HttpRequestFactory */
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:     * @param HttpRequestFactory $httpRequestFactory
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:    public function __construct( HttpRequestFactory $httpRequestFactory, string $endpointBase ) {
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:     * Construct a MWHttpRequest object based on the subscription and payload.
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:     * @return MWHttpRequest
includes/Push/NotificationServiceClient.php:    private function constructRequest( string $provider, array $payload ): MWHttpRequest {
tests/phpunit/integration/Push/NotificationServiceClientTest.php:       use MockHttpTrait;
tests/phpunit/integration/Push/NotificationServiceClientTest.php:               $this->installMockHttp( 'hi' );
tests/phpunit/integration/Push/NotificationServiceClientTest.php:               $this->assertInstanceOf( MWHttpRequest::class, $request );
tests/phpunit/revision_txt/138274875.txt:::::Irgendwo kam ein <code>forceHttps</code>-Cookie her, jetzt ist es weg. Es fallen immer noch viele Dinge beim reinen Überfliegen auf:
tests/phpunit/revision_txt/138275105.txt:::::Irgendwo kam ein <code>forceHttps</code>-Cookie her, jetzt ist es weg. Es fallen immer noch viele Dinge beim reinen Überfliegen auf:
urbanecm@notebook  ~/unsynced/gerrit/mediawiki/extensions/Echo

Considering putting ChangeMentor::notify() outside of request context speeded things up significantly, since push notifications were recently enabled by default with and given push notifications indeed do use of http requests, I think push requests are the culprit here. Filling a new task to investigate performance improvements there as well – over a second to create a notification is a lot.

For my own curiosity, I ran the following query in Hadoop to get more insight into timing:

    MAX(backend_time_ms) AS max_backend_time,
    PERCENTILE(backend_time_ms, 0.5) AS median_backend_time
FROM event.mediawiki_api_request
    AND month=9
    AND day=16
    AND `database`='arwiki'
    AND params['action'] = 'growthsetmentor'
    AND performer.user_text = 'Martin Urbanec (WMF)'



Change 721597 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] ChangeMentor: Execute notify as a deferred update