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[SPIKE] Context aware text in survey based on the project where it's hosted
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Right now the same survey content is displayed no matter where. This proposal wants to make the content of the survey more context-aware based on the project/page where the survey is hosted and displayed.

Jobs to be done
When I read a survey on a wiki project I want to be able to relate to the content of said survey So I can provide a more precise and context-aware answer.


In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to this wiki community?In the last 30 days, have you felt unsafe or uncomfortable contributing to Wikipedia?
Default.jpg (1×664 px, 276 KB)
Wikipedia.jpg (1×664 px, 288 KB)

These are other variants to highlight the difference in the proposal.

image.png (1×2 px, 1 MB)

Event Timeline

@Jhernandez Couldn't this be done with {{SITENAME}} in the translation files?

We chatted about this today and there is a list of magic words that can be used in i18n messages, see

For example, {{SITENAME}} is $wgSiteName which is 'Wikipedia' on en wiki for example. In commons, it is 'Wikimedia Commons'.

There are a bunch of other variables that can be used there as well.

Madalina renamed this task from Context aware text in survey based on the project where it's hosted to [SPIKE] Context aware text in survey based on the project where it's hosted.Nov 3 2021, 10:27 AM
Madalina subscribed.

It looks like we got what we were looking for so I'm closing this as Resolved