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Assess whether integraality works/makese sense for Lexemes
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Does integraality make sense on Lexemes? Does it work at all? Let’s find out!

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So, I don’t know the first thing about the Lexemes data model, but some early thoughts:

integraality has 3 parts: selection, grouping, and description

  • Selection should work just fine out of the box: something like |selector_sparql=dct:language wd:Q12107 does get all Breton lexemes
  • Grouping:
    • does it make any sense (no pun intended) to group by property? Are Lexemes even expected to have statements in general, or do they rather go on the Forms/Senses?
    • grouping by lexical category would need adaptation
  • Description:
    • describing along Language and Lexical category probably needs a new ColumnConfig object, but should be doable.
    • describing along statements: same question, does this make much sense in general?

Joining through to Forms and Senses might be tricky

For lexemes a good grouping predicate would be wikibase:lexicalCategory and dct:language