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Move IgnoreNicks restrictions to per-gateway configuration
Closed, ResolvedPublic


In the etc/matterbridge.toml configuration for the wm-bridgebot irc account at the global level we have:

# Ignore some spammy irc bots
# wm-bot: ##wmhack, #wikipedia-bn
# AsimovBot: #wikipedia-bn
# FIXME: can we do this per channel/bridge with tengo?
IgnoreNicks="AsimovBot wm-bot"

After asking for ideas on how to control this per gateway (the connection of 2 or more bridges to each other) in the #matterbridge channel, I was pointed to the [gateway.inout.options] (0) configuration section which in theory will allow this to be set.

  • Verify that this config parses and works with a controlled experiment
  • Move blocks down to the gateway level if tests are successful

Event Timeline

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2022-02-19T17:52:27Z] <wm-bot> <bd808> Move IgnoreNicks restrictions to per-gateway configuration (T296093)

bd808 claimed this task.
bd808 moved this task from To Do to Done on the Tool-bridgebot board.