shows a schema drift for:
Mismatching field type of page.page_touched
on s1, s2, s3, s4, s7
According to T42626 the timestamp should be adjust from varbinary(14) to binary(14) because there is no need to hold infinite.
The column was added in 64ac6b8e775dd8582ea9cc5f24235488f076c5b3#change-pVGjpnYAcwz0
There is no ready ALTER statement in the commit history.
ALTER TABLE /*_*/page CHANGE page_touched page_touched BINARY(14) NOT NULL;
- ALTERs to run: see above
- Where to run those changes: s1, s2, s3, s4, s7 - list of wikis needs to be created
- When to run those changes: any time
- If the schema change is backwards compatible: Yes
- If the schema change has been tested already on some of the test/beta wikis: beta cluster is running with the new schema
- if the data should be made available on the labs replicas and/or dumps: no change of the existing rules
- s1
- s2
- s3
- s4
- s5 T298557#7940582
- s6
- s7