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Revision history for Android V2
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This task collects ideas and possible directions for revision history V2:

Revision history V1: T297759

Revision history V2
  • PG: Selecting more than two revisions shows a toast message to communicate it is not possible. I wonder if this could be communicated by the way the selectors work. For example, tapping on a third one could update the previous selection or the closest one (thinking along the lines of adjusting a range, like when selecting text)
  • PG: Idea for future: To make diffs more understandable I wonder if it is possible to provide a kind of “instant preview” that allow to visually understand a change.
  • RH: Is the spark chart meant to be interactive? If not then wonder if it needs to take up so much room. Also wondering if it is meant to showing rev changes bar rather than line chart? Could be a cool change in future to enable tapping to enable interactive Revision slider view (also consistent with web)