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Refactor wikidata/query/gui WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  • Follow instructions from wikidata/query/gui to get MediaWiki working locally.
  • Refactor WebdriverIO tests (in tests/selenium) from sync to async mode.
  • Push code to Gerrit.

Event Timeline

@Osamaahmed17: Please set appropriate project tags (in this case Wikidata Query UI). Thanks.

Also, wikidata/query/gui is not a MediaWiki extension, so I think you’ll have a hard time trying to “get MediaWiki working locally” based on any instructions in that repository.

Also, wikidata/query/gui is not a MediaWiki extension, so I think you’ll have a hard time trying to “get MediaWiki working locally” based on any instructions in that repository.

Good point. @Osamaahmed17 is an Outreachy intern working on T256626: Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode. I've asked him to create a task for each repository. It was my idea to use the template text for all tasks. 😬 We are still working on extensions, I didn't explain other types of repositories yet. We'll update the task when he starts working on it.

@zeljkofilipin, this repository doesn't have @wdio/sync or wdio-mediawiki, so do we need to update the selenium tests?

Change 766150 had a related patch set uploaded (by Osamaahmed17; author: Osamaahmed17):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] selenium: Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode

@zeljkofilipin, this repository doesn't have @wdio/sync or wdio-mediawiki, so do we need to update the selenium tests?

Yes, I think so.

Change 766150 abandoned by Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE):

[wikidata/query/gui@master] selenium: Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode


zeljkofilipin renamed this task from Refactor GUI WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode to Refactor wikidata/query/gui WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode.Aug 18 2023, 1:45 PM

As far as I can tell, the test in this repo is already async and has been for a long time. The webdriver dependencies are v7 sice mid-2021: selenium: Upgrade WebdriverIO to v7 (I57c8b8b4) and CI is using Node16 as well.

Is there anything that is still needed here or can this task be closed?