List of steps to reproduce (step by step, including full links if applicable):
- I had a group of 4 photos of the Logan River to upload, all taken looking in different directions from more or less the same spot (give or take a few metres to dodge some bushes). Because such photos will have the same copyright, permissions, and similar captions (but not identical) but the same categories and other info, I find it convenient to upload them as a group and use the "Copy all information to uploads following ..." to avoid tediously typing in categories etc
- I invoked the Upload Wizard and thought I'd chosen all 4 images, but evidently clicked something wrong and only chose one and, due to a phone call, didn't realise it until I was about to do "Copy all information to uploads following ..." and realised there were no other uploads. Oh well, no problemo, I'll go Back, Back to the Upload screen and and uploaded the other 3 photos, which worked, and then back to the Describe screen and noticed none of these 3 photos had their location coordinates displaying yet the first photo uploaded on its own did have its coords displaying. Was the EXIF data missing on these files? And how could that be? Same phone took the photos from more-or-less the same spot within a couple of minutes. So I removed the 3 files on the Describe screen with the trash can button and completed the upload of the first file. All was well with that upload.
- Then I started the Upload Wizard again and uploaded one of the other 3 files. This time on the Describe screen all the coords were displaying. Clearly they did have EXIF data. I then uploaded the other 2 together, again both had coords displaying.
What happens?:
It seems that uploading additional files by going Back Back to the Upload screen and then moving forward again to the Describe screen, somehow the extraction of the coordinates from the image is being bypassed.
What should have happened instead?:
It should have extracted the location coordinates.
I repeated the process with two more files (uploaded one, moved through to the Describe screen, then Back Back and uploaded the second one), back to the Describe screen, same problem, no coords revealed for the second file. So it seems repeatable.
Software version (if not a Wikimedia wiki), browser information, screenshots, other information, etc.:
The files were:
- first file:,_Alberton,_2022.jpg
- second file:,_Alberton,_2022.jpg
- third and fourth files (uploaded together):,_Alberton,_2022.jpg,_Alberton,_2022.jpg