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[Analysis] Usability Improvements: Calculate Engagement Metrics
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Topic Containers (T269950), Clearer Talking Affordances (T255560 + T267444), and Page Frame (T269963) are all interventions designed to help:

  1. Junior Contributors:
    • Recognize talk pages as tools to communicate with other people
    • Identify and understand the discussions happening on talk pages
    • Know what to do to use talk pages to communicate with other people
  2. Senior Contributors:
    • Quickly assess the level of activity on talk pages and decide where within a talk page to focus their attention

This task involves the work of analyzing what impact making the suite of Usability Improvements (Topic Containers, Clear Affordances, and Page Frames) available as an opt-out preference at a sub-set of wikis is having on how people, across experience levels, use talk pages.

Analysis Timing

@ppelberg to document once finalized

Decision to be Made

  • Decide what – if any – changes ought to be made to the set of Usability Improvements before running an A/B test in T302358 to evaluate their impact.

Research questions

Research QuestionDescriptionMetric(s) for Evaluation
1.Are the set of Usability Improvements negatively impacting other peoples' experiences using Wikipedia talk pages?Revert rate (within 48 hours); edit completion rates by interface; blocks; opt-out rate
2.Are the set of Usability Improvements helping Junior Contributors to more easily and quickly recognize talk pages as spaces to communicate and know what to do to start a new discussion, or comment in an existing one?Out of scope. See T302359#8571948.
3.Are the set of Usability Improvements negatively Senior Contributors to more quickly and easily assess the level of activity on talk pages and decide where within a talk page to focus their attention?Out of scope. See T302359#8571948.

Related Objects

Event Timeline

ppelberg moved this task from Backlog to Triaged on the DiscussionTools board.
ppelberg moved this task from Untriaged to This Fiscal Year on the Editing-team board.
MNeisler triaged this task as Medium priority.
MNeisler added a project: Product-Analytics.
MNeisler moved this task from Triage to Upcoming Quarter on the Product-Analytics board.

Hi, I'm honored you assigned this to me, but I think that was probably a mistake as I have no idea what this is about.

TyA removed TyA as the assignee of this task.Jan 12 2023, 4:54 AM
TyA subscribed.

@TyA Yes sorry for the mistake and thanks for letting me know!

Per what @MNeisler and I talked about offline on 25 Jan 2023, we're going to reduce the scope of this analysis to research question #1:

Are the set of Usability Improvements negatively impacting other peoples' experiences using Wikipedia talk pages?

Reason: the decision we are seeking to make through this analysis ("Might any adjustments need to be made to how the suite of Usability Improvements has been implemented before we run an A/B test to evaluate their impact?") does not depend on the answers to research questions #2 and #3 which we will answer in T302358.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

Per conversation @MNeisler and I had offline today, we'll scope this analysis to the wikis where the set of desktop Usability Improvements are available by default:,, an See deployment dates in T329407.

I've completed calculating the identified metrics for the usability improvements engagement analysis. This analysis focuses on if the new features are negatively impacting peoples' experiences using Wikipedia talk pages to determine if any changes are needing before running an AB test.

Please see the key results summarized below and the full report for more details on methodology and various other breakdowns.


To assess impact, I reviewed changes in the identified metrics two weeks pre and post-deployment at the three wikis where currently deployed as default on desktop (,, and Reviewed data was limited to any desktop edit on a talk page at the participating Wikipedias.

Note: Since this is a pre and post-deployment analysis (and not an AB test), there may be other factors such as seasonal trends that may have impacted these results. For this analysis, we are primarily looking to identify any significant increases or decreases in the identified metrics. Additional analysis to understand the new feature impacts on peoples' behavior will be addressed in the AB test.

Key Takeaways

Overall, we did not observe any significant changes in the overall or daily revert rate or completion rate of talk page edits on desktop across all three participating Wikipedias post-deployment. Trends vary based on wiki, user type, and the editor interface used. We observed a decrease in revert rate and a increase in edit completion rate specifically for Junior logged-in editors and edits made using visual editor. Additionally, there was no significant increase in user block rate and the opt-out rate by talk page editors was small (Only 15 users of 2122 users (0.71%) that made a talk page edit attempt).

Revert Rate

  • We did not observe any changes in the overall talk page edit revert rate pre and post-deployment across the three participating wikis.
  • There was a -17% percent decrease in the revert rate of talk page edits made with visual editor and a -4% decrease in the revert rate of edits made with wikitext.

revert_rate_byinterface.png (2×4 px, 170 KB)

  • Similar to results observed for other desktop talk page projects, we observed more of an impact on the quality of Junior Contributors' edits following deployment of the new talk page features. There was a -18% decrease in the revert rate of desktop talk page edits by Junior Contributors (under 100 edits) following the deployment of the feature; compared to 4.5% increase (+0.1 percentage points) for Senior editors (over 100 edits).

revert_rate_byexp.png (2×4 px, 147 KB)

Edit Completion Rate

  • Overall across all three participating wikis, we observed a -4.8 percent decrease in edit completion rate but there was no sudden increase or decreases in daily completion rates following deployment of the feature (as shown in the “Daily edit completion rate” chart below)

completion_rate_daily.png (2×4 px, 491 KB)

  • Per wiki results vary. We observed an increase (21% increase) at Hungarian Wikipedia while we observed a decrease at Arabic (-19.8% decrease) and Czech Wikipedias (-7.2% decrease).

completion_rate_pre_post_bywiki.png (2×4 px, 185 KB)

  • We observed slight increases in edit completion rate for talk page edits completed using visual editor and wikitext-2017 and observed a slight decrease for wikitext edits.

completion_rate_pre_post_byinterface.png (2×4 px, 184 KB)

  • There was a 10.2% increase in talk page edit completion rate for junior editors and a slight decrease (-1.3%) in edit completion rate for senior editors

completion_rate_pre_post_byexp.png (2×4 px, 162 KB)

Block Rate

We did not observe any significant changes in block rate. A total of 4 talk editors across all three wikipedias were issued a sitewide block two weeks post-deployment, compared to 3 talk page editors two weeks pre-deployment.

Opt-Out Rate

There are a total of 48 users across all three wikis that have turned the feature off. 39 of those users from arwiki.
Only 15 users of 2122 users (0.71%) that made a talk page edit attempt following the deployment of usability improvements at the three participating wikis currently have the preference disabled.