Feature summary:
Hello, following this item (https://species.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikispecies%3AVillage_Pump&type=revision&diff=8701954&oldid=8701847) at the wikispecies Village Pump, please set, for wikispecies, $wgRestrictDisplayTitle to false (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgRestrictDisplayTitle).
Use case(s): For its taxonomy, wikispecies uses scientific/Latin names. Taxon pages may also include, for each language, one vernacular name. There is a proposal re the page name to display also on the right-hand side of page, if the page includes vernacular names, the taxon's vernacular name in the language to which the language selector is set. I understand the feature/change requested above is necessary for related development and testing.
Benefits: Enhanced localization/internationalization and approachability/accessibility.
Thank you (as also for [[ T293546]]).