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Create user experience for when a comment can't be found on the page, but is available on another page (e.g. an archive)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task involves the work with defining what people will experience when the software cannot be certain where the comment people are looking for is located. See the ===Cases below for the list of scenarios in which people might encounter this scenario.


  • As someone who is trying to view a comment that the software cannot confidently locate and take me to, I want to know that the software cannot locate the comment I am seeking, why it cannot locate said comment, and where I might look to find said comment, so that I can: A) increase the chances that I can find the comment I'm seeking myself and B) form more accurate expectations for what the comment linking feature is and is not capable of.


  1. When someone arrives to a page after clicking/tapping a permalink and one of the following three things happens (see below); they ought to see a toast-like dialog
    1. The comment cannot be found
      1. Comment exists, but we can't find it. E.g. it didn't get indexed via T315510
      2. Comment never existed. E.g. the commentID is corrupted or otherwise invalid.
    2. The comment might be visible in more than one place
  2. The "toast-like dialog" "1." describes ought to:
    1. Inform people which case (A, B, or C) they're experiencing
    2. Present people with action(s) they can take to locate the comment the software has not able to confidently locate
    3. Show a maximum of YET-TO-BE-DETERMINED NUMBER of potential pages on which the comment you're seeking could exist. In cases where the number of potential pages exceeds said "yet-to-be-determined-number" of pages people ought to see a call to action that invites them to visit Special:FindComment to see all results.



Open Questions


  • Answers to all Open questions are documented
  • Requirements are documented
  • Mockups are added and implemented


This section contains the list of cases we will need to design the user experience for; it is borrowed from what @matmarex has documented on Extension:DiscussionTools/How_it_works#Permanent_links.

Case #1: the comment might not visible anywhere

  • Potential reasons:
    • The comment being linked to never existed in the first place, and the link is wrong
    • The comment being linked to has been removed from the page (removing comments outright is rare, but occasionally done for off-topic, redundant or offensive comments)
    • The comment being linked to has been edited in a way that breaks our identification (e.g. deleting and re-adding a signature)
    • The comment being linked to was supposed to be archived/moved by cut-and-paste, but something went wrong with the second half of the operation and it was just deleted
    • The discussion item database hasn't been populated for that page.

Case #2: the comment might be visible in more than one place

  • Potential reasons:
    • The comment being linked to is actually two indistinguishable comments on different pages (read: two comments with the same author, date and time)
    • The comment being linked to was supposed to be archived/moved by cut-and-paste, but something went wrong with the first half of the operation and it was just copied
    • The comment being linked to might be transcluded on multiple pages (we ignore transclusions when looking for the redirect target, so this doesn't lead to the scenario below)

Case #3: the comment might be older than the permalinks feature
The feature only has data about comments added after it has been deployed.

Event Timeline

@matmarex: can you think of any cases that are missing from the task description? If so, can you please add them?

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

For comments that have been archived, it may be helpful to look to the find-archived-section gadget from @SD0001 as inspiration. Many experienced editors have this turned on, and it tends to work well.

For comments that have been archived, it may be helpful to look to the find-archived-section gadget from @SD0001 as inspiration. Many experienced editors have this turned on, and it tends to work well.

Great spot, @Sdkb; the find-archived-section gadget is something we're taking strong cues from (see the Requirements above).

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
Esanders renamed this task from Define user experience for when it is ambiguous what page permalink should lead you to to Create user experience for when a comment can't be found on the page, but is available on another page (e.g. an archive).Dec 4 2023, 3:39 PM

Change 933118 had a related patch set uploaded (by Esanders; author: Esanders):

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Show new location of missing comments in notification

@Esanders thanks for sharing the patchdemo – looks great for initial release!

Change 933118 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/DiscussionTools@master] Show new location of missing comments in notification

EAkinloose subscribed.

For some, I get

Screenshot 2024-01-23 at 17.51.25.png (754×2 px, 203 KB)

The archived pages show:

Screenshot 2024-01-25 at 20.32.46.png (860×3 px, 329 KB)

Tested alongside T349653