The end of life of Debian Stretch is approaching in 2022 and we need to move to Debian Bullseye (or Buster) before that date.
All instances in the cvn project need to upgrade as soon as possible. Instances not upgraded by 2022-05-01 may be subject to deletion unless prior arrangements for an extended deadline has been approved by the Cloud VPS administration team.
Remaining Debian Stretch instances (live report):
Listed administrators are:
- wikitech:User:Cameron11598 (Developer account not linked to Phabricator)
- wikitech:User:Rxy (@Rxy)
- wikitech:User:Barras (@Barras)
- wikitech:User:Azariv (@Az1568)
- wikitech:User:Andrew Bogott (Developer account not linked to Phabricator)
- wikitech:User:Krinkle (@Krinkle)
See also:
More info on current project instances is available via openstack browser.