Current version of {{#time:}} as used on Wikimedia Commons do not support many valid ISO 8601 dates. Dates in unsupported formats should report an error, instead of rendering incorrect dates. Currently at Wikimedia Commons very complicated and computationally expensive templates ( and are used to fix this problem.
For example:
- {{#time:Y|1945}} renders "2011" instead of expected "1945"
- {{#time:F Y| 0099-01}} renders "January 1999" instead of expected "January 0099" ({{#time:F Y| 0099-01-01}} works fine)
- {{#time:F Y| 0009-08 }} renders "August 2009" instead of expected "August 0009"
- {{#time:d F Y| 002008-01-01 }} renders "21 April 2011" instead of "01 January 2008" or "Error: invalid time" (since it is not valid ISO 8601 date)
- {{#time:d F Y| 02008-01-32 }} renders "08 January 2032" instead of "Error: invalid time"
Also ideally user would be allowed to also specify language to be used when rendering months, this would allow us on commons to retire or simplify series of templates duplicating {{#time:}} which allow display of dates in "d F Y" or "F Y" format in the language specified by outside parameter, see
All those templates are heavily used:
- Template:Date > 7.1M transclusions
- Template:ISOdate > 9.3M
- Template:ISOyear ~.4M
Complexity of those templates causes frequent bumping into template expansion limit in templates using them.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal