01) Theme switching
List of steps to reproduce
- Navigate to an article, e.g. I’m Going' Down
- Press the 'Theme' button in the bottom toolbar
- Switch the theme to another than the one that’s currently selected
What happens?:
Two things:
- Visual glitch: a mix of the old theme choice and the new one is displayed (see this task’s header image)
- Theme bottom sheet closes
What should have happened instead?:
- No visual glitch
- Theme bottom sheet should stay open when switching the theme
Software version
Current production version
01) Theme switching
02) Font type switching
List of steps to reproduce
- Navigate to an article, e.g. I’m Going' Down
- Press the 'Theme' button in the bottom toolbar
- Switch the font to another than the one that’s currently selected
What happens?:
- Theme bottom sheet closes
What should have happened instead?:
- Theme bottom sheet should stay open when switching the theme
Software version
Current production version
03) Reading focus type switching
List of steps to reproduce
- Navigate to an article, e.g. Lenzerheide - Wikipedia
- Press the 'Theme' button in the bottom toolbar
- Enable and disable reading focus mode and play with the theme switcher
What happens?:
- Theme bottom sheet behaves unexpected (closes, reshuffles images in the article)
- Sometimes the image behind the bottom sheet opens in the gallery view
What should have happened instead?:
- The bottom sheet stays open and should register clicks in the theme
- Image in the background should not be clickable
Here’s a video that captures these issues:
Software version
Current production version