Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float 11.139 to int loses precision in /var/www/wiki/mediawiki/core/includes/libs/objectcache/APCUBagOStuff.php on line 91 Call Stack # Time Memory Function Location 1 0.0016 364600 {main}( ) .../index.php:0 2 0.5681 6807280 wfIndexMain( ) .../index.php:46 3 0.5705 6807472 MediaWiki->run( ) .../index.php:50 4 0.5705 6807472 MediaWiki->main( ) .../MediaWiki.php:569 5 0.7290 8795176 MediaWiki::{closure:/var/www/wiki/mediawiki/core/includes/MediaWiki.php:925-931}( ) .../MediaWiki.php:940 6 0.7290 8795176 OutputPage->output( $return = TRUE ) .../MediaWiki.php:927 7 0.7295 8796240 OutputPage->sendCacheControl( ) .../OutputPage.php:2764 8 0.7295 8796616 OutputPage->addAcceptLanguage( ) .../OutputPage.php:2653 9 0.7295 8796616 Title->getPageLanguage( ) .../OutputPage.php:2521 10 0.7343 8867256 ContentHandler->getPageLanguage( $title = class Title { private $mTextform = 'Main Page'; private $mUrlform = 'Main_Page'; private $mDbkeyform = 'Main_Page'; private $mNamespace = 0; private $mInterwiki = ''; private $mLocalInterwiki = FALSE; private $mFragment = ''; public $mArticleID = -1; protected $mLatestID = FALSE; private $mContentModel = 'wikitext'; private $mForcedContentModel = FALSE; private $mEstimateRevisions = NULL; public $prefixedText = NULL; protected $mLength = -1; public $mRedirect = NULL; private $mHasSubpages = NULL; private $mPageLanguage = NULL; private $mDbPageLanguage = FALSE; private $mTitleValue = NULL; private $mIsBigDeletion = NULL; private $mIsValid = TRUE; private $mInstanceCacheKey = 'Main Page'; protected $deprecatedPublicProperties = ['mTextform' => [...], 'mUrlform' => [...], 'mDbkeyform' => [...], 'mNamespace' => [...], 'mInterwiki' => [...], 'mFragment' => [...]]; private $dynamicPropertiesAccessDeprecated = FALSE }, $content = ??? ) .../Title.php:3935 11 0.7343 8867256 StubObject::unstub( $obj = class StubUserLang { protected $global = 'wgLang'; protected $class = NULL; protected $factory = NULL; protected $params = [] } ) .../ContentHandler.php:726 12 0.7343 8867256 StubObject->_unstub( $name = 'unstub', $level = 3 ) .../StubObject.php:103 13 0.7343 8867832 StubUserLang->_newObject( ) .../StubObject.php:223 14 0.7343 8867832 RequestContext->getLanguage( ) .../StubUserLang.php:34 15 0.7359 8869552 MediaWiki\User\UserOptionsManager->getOption( $user = class User { public $mId = 0; public $mName = FALSE; public $mActorId = NULL; public $mRealName = ''; public $mEmail = ''; public $mTouched = '1'; protected $mQuickTouched = NULL; protected $mToken = NULL; public $mEmailAuthenticated = NULL; protected $mEmailToken = ''; protected $mEmailTokenExpires = NULL; protected $mRegistration = '20220627071736'; protected $mLoadedItems = TRUE; public $mFrom = 'session'; protected $mDatePreference = NULL; private $mBlockedby = -1; protected $mHash = FALSE; protected $mBlockreason = NULL; protected $mGlobalBlock = NULL; protected $mLocked = NULL; private $mHideName = NULL; private $mRequest = class WebRequest { protected $data = [...]; protected $queryAndPathParams = [...]; protected $queryParams = [...]; protected $headers = [...]; private $response = class WebResponse { ... }; private $ip = ''; protected $requestTime = 1656314255.854; protected $protocol = 'http'; protected $sessionId = class MediaWiki\Session\SessionId { ... }; protected $markedAsSafe = FALSE }; private $mBlock = NULL; private $mBlockedFromCreateAccount = FALSE; protected $queryFlagsUsed = 0; private $mThisAsAuthority = class MediaWiki\Permissions\UserAuthority { private $permissionManager = class MediaWiki\Permissions\PermissionManager { ... }; private $actor = ...; private $userBlock = NULL }; private $isTemp = NULL }, $oname = 'language', $defaultOverride = ???, $ignoreHidden = ???, $queryFlags = ??? ) .../RequestContext.php:453 16 0.7359 8869552 MediaWiki\User\UserOptionsManager->loadUserOptions( $user = class User { public $mId = 0; public $mName = FALSE; public $mActorId = NULL; public $mRealName = ''; public $mEmail = ''; public $mTouched = '1'; protected $mQuickTouched = NULL; protected $mToken = NULL; public $mEmailAuthenticated = NULL; protected $mEmailToken = ''; protected $mEmailTokenExpires = NULL; protected $mRegistration = '20220627071736'; protected $mLoadedItems = TRUE; public $mFrom = 'session'; protected $mDatePreference = NULL; private $mBlockedby = -1; protected $mHash = FALSE; protected $mBlockreason = NULL; protected $mGlobalBlock = NULL; protected $mLocked = NULL; private $mHideName = NULL; private $mRequest = class WebRequest { protected $data = [...]; protected $queryAndPathParams = [...]; protected $queryParams = [...]; protected $headers = [...]; private $response = class WebResponse { ... }; private $ip = ''; protected $requestTime = 1656314255.854; protected $protocol = 'http'; protected $sessionId = class MediaWiki\Session\SessionId { ... }; protected $markedAsSafe = FALSE }; private $mBlock = NULL; private $mBlockedFromCreateAccount = FALSE; protected $queryFlagsUsed = 0; private $mThisAsAuthority = class MediaWiki\Permissions\UserAuthority { private $permissionManager = class MediaWiki\Permissions\PermissionManager { ... }; private $actor = ...; private $userBlock = NULL }; private $isTemp = NULL }, $queryFlags = 0, $data = ??? ) .../UserOptionsManager.php:148 17 0.7359 8869552 MediaWiki\User\UserOptionsManager->loadOriginalOptions( $user = class User { public $mId = 0; public $mName = FALSE; public $mActorId = NULL; public $mRealName = ''; public $mEmail = ''; public $mTouched = '1'; protected $mQuickTouched = NULL; protected $mToken = NULL; public $mEmailAuthenticated = NULL; protected $mEmailToken = ''; protected $mEmailTokenExpires = NULL; protected $mRegistration = '20220627071736'; protected $mLoadedItems = TRUE; public $mFrom = 'session'; protected $mDatePreference = NULL; private $mBlockedby = -1; protected $mHash = FALSE; protected $mBlockreason = NULL; protected $mGlobalBlock = NULL; protected $mLocked = NULL; private $mHideName = NULL; private $mRequest = class WebRequest { protected $data = [...]; protected $queryAndPathParams = [...]; protected $queryParams = [...]; protected $headers = [...]; private $response = class WebResponse { ... }; private $ip = ''; protected $requestTime = 1656314255.854; protected $protocol = 'http'; protected $sessionId = class MediaWiki\Session\SessionId { ... }; protected $markedAsSafe = FALSE }; private $mBlock = NULL; private $mBlockedFromCreateAccount = FALSE; protected $queryFlagsUsed = 0; private $mThisAsAuthority = class MediaWiki\Permissions\UserAuthority { private $permissionManager = class MediaWiki\Permissions\PermissionManager { ... }; private $actor = ...; private $userBlock = NULL }; private $isTemp = NULL }, $queryFlags = 0, $data = NULL ) .../UserOptionsManager.php:498 18 0.7359 8869552 MediaWiki\User\DefaultOptionsLookup->getDefaultOptions( ) .../UserOptionsManager.php:596 19 0.7444 8955272 MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookRunner->onUserGetDefaultOptions( 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'useeditwarning' => 1, 'prefershttps' => 1, 'requireemail' => 0, 'skin-responsive' => 1, 'timecorrection' => 'System|60', 'language' => 'en-gb', 'variant' => 'en-gb', 'variant-ban' => 'ban', 'variant-en' => 'en', 'variant-crh' => 'crh', 'variant-gan' => 'gan', 'variant-iu' => 'iu', 'variant-kk' => 'kk', 'variant-ku' => 'ku', 'variant-shi' => 'shi', 'variant-sr' => 'sr', 'variant-tg' => 'tg', 'variant-uz' => 'uz', 'variant-zh' => 'zh', 'searchNs0' => 1, 'searchNs1' => 0, 'searchNs2' => 0, 'searchNs3' => 0, 'searchNs4' => 0, 'searchNs5' => 0, ...] ) .../DefaultOptionsLookup.php:110 20 0.7444 8955648 MediaWiki\HookContainer\HookContainer->run( $hook = 'UserGetDefaultOptions', $args = [0 => ['usecodeeditor' => 1, 'upwiz_deflicense' => 'default', 'upwiz_maxsimultaneous' => 'default', 'upwiz_mv_cta_dismissed' => 0, 'mobile-editor' => '', 'usebetatoolbar' => TRUE, 'wikieditor-realtimepreview' => 0, 'uls-preferences' => '', 'compact-language-links' => TRUE, 'translate' => 0, 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'kk', 'variant-ku' => 'ku', 'variant-shi' => 'shi', 'variant-sr' => 'sr', 'variant-tg' => 'tg', 'variant-uz' => 'uz', 'variant-zh' => 'zh', 'searchNs0' => 1, 'searchNs1' => 0, 'searchNs2' => 0, 'searchNs3' => 0, 'searchNs4' => 0, 'searchNs5' => 0, ...]], $options = ??? ) .../HookRunner.php:4143 21 0.7489 9026184 MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Hooks->onUserGetDefaultOptions( $defaultOptions = ['usecodeeditor' => 1, 'upwiz_deflicense' => 'default', 'upwiz_maxsimultaneous' => 'default', 'upwiz_mv_cta_dismissed' => 0, 'mobile-editor' => '', 'usebetatoolbar' => TRUE, 'wikieditor-realtimepreview' => 0, 'uls-preferences' => '', 'compact-language-links' => TRUE, 'translate' => 0, 'translate-editlangs' => 'default', 'translate-recent-groups' => '', 'echo-email-frequency' => 0, 'echo-dont-email-read-notifications' => FALSE, 'eventlogging-display-web' => 0, 'eventlogging-display-console' => 0, 'betafeatures-auto-enroll' => FALSE, 'echo-subscriptions-web-oauth-owner' => TRUE, 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'watchlistdays' => 7, 'watchlisthideanons' => 0, 'watchlisthidebots' => 0, 'watchlisthideliu' => 0, 'watchlisthideminor' => 0, 'watchlisthideown' => 0, 'watchlisthidepatrolled' => 0, 'watchlisthidecategorization' => 1, 'watchlistreloadautomatically' => 0, 'watchlistunwatchlinks' => 0, 'watchmoves' => 0, 'watchrollback' => 0, 'wlenhancedfilters-disable' => 0, 'wllimit' => 250, 'useeditwarning' => 1, 'prefershttps' => 1, 'requireemail' => 0, 'skin-responsive' => 1, 'timecorrection' => 'System|60', 'language' => 'en-gb', 'variant' => 'en-gb', 'variant-ban' => 'ban', 'variant-en' => 'en', 'variant-crh' => 'crh', 'variant-gan' => 'gan', 'variant-iu' => 'iu', 'variant-kk' => 'kk', 'variant-ku' => 'ku', 'variant-shi' => 'shi', 'variant-sr' => 'sr', 'variant-tg' => 'tg', 'variant-uz' => 'uz', 'variant-zh' => 'zh', 'searchNs0' => 1, 'searchNs1' => 0, 'searchNs2' => 0, 'searchNs3' => 0, 'searchNs4' => 0, 'searchNs5' => 0, ...] ) .../HookContainer.php:160 22 0.7500 9026552 MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\GadgetRepo->getStructuredList( ) .../Hooks.php:128 23 0.7500 9026552 MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo->getGadgetIds( ) .../GadgetRepo.php:70 24 0.7500 9026552 MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo->loadGadgets( ) .../MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo.php:42 25 0.7507 9027496 BagOStuff->getWithSetCallback( $key = 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4', $exptime = 13.903, $callback = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\{closure}", public $static = ['wanCache' => class WANObjectCache { ... }, 'key' => 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4']; public $this = class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo { protected $titlePrefix = 'MediaWiki:Gadget-'; private $definitions = NULL } }, $flags = ??? ) .../MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo.php:116 26 0.7611 9116896 MediumSpecificBagOStuff->set( $key = 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4', $value = ['UTCLiveClock' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'UTCLiveClock'; private $definition = '* UTCLiveClock[ResourceLoader]|UTCLiveClock.js'; private $resourceLoaded = TRUE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'interface-gadgets'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }, 'HotCat' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'HotCat'; private $definition = '* HotCat[ResourceLoader]|HotCat.js'; private $resourceLoaded = TRUE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'interface-gadgets'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }, 'edittop' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'edittop'; private $definition = '* edittop|edittop.js'; private $resourceLoaded = FALSE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'appearance'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }], $exptime = 13.903, $flags = 0 ) .../BagOStuff.php:207 27 0.7611 9116896 APCUBagOStuff->doSet( $key = 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4', $value = ['UTCLiveClock' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'UTCLiveClock'; private $definition = '* UTCLiveClock[ResourceLoader]|UTCLiveClock.js'; private $resourceLoaded = TRUE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'interface-gadgets'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }, 'HotCat' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'HotCat'; private $definition = '* HotCat[ResourceLoader]|HotCat.js'; private $resourceLoaded = TRUE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'interface-gadgets'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }, 'edittop' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'edittop'; private $definition = '* edittop|edittop.js'; private $resourceLoaded = FALSE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'appearance'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }], $exptime = 13.903, $flags = 0 ) .../MediumSpecificBagOStuff.php:179 28 0.7611 9116960 apcu_store( $key = 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4:4', $value = ['UTCLiveClock' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'UTCLiveClock'; private $definition = '* UTCLiveClock[ResourceLoader]|UTCLiveClock.js'; private $resourceLoaded = TRUE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'interface-gadgets'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }, 'HotCat' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'HotCat'; private $definition = '* HotCat[ResourceLoader]|HotCat.js'; private $resourceLoaded = TRUE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'interface-gadgets'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }, 'edittop' => class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget { private $scripts = [...]; private $styles = [...]; private $datas = [...]; private $dependencies = [...]; private $peers = [...]; private $messages = [...]; private $name = 'edittop'; private $definition = '* edittop|edittop.js'; private $resourceLoaded = FALSE; private $requiredRights = [...]; private $requiredActions = [...]; private $requiredSkins = [...]; private $targets = [...]; private $onByDefault = FALSE; private $hidden = FALSE; private $package = FALSE; private $type = ''; private $category = 'appearance'; private $supportsUrlLoad = FALSE }], $ttl = 13.903 ) .../APCUBagOStuff.php:91
Related Objects
Event Timeline
Got a stack trace? We could cast it, but it's not obvious from the current interfaces that float is actually meant to be passed here. Depending on where the float came from, it might be a one-off issue in a specific caller.
Looks like Gadgets might be the winner:
BagOStuff->getWithSetCallback( $key = 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4', $exptime = 13.903, $callback = class Closure { virtual $closure = "$this->MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\{closure}", public $static = ['wanCache' => class WANObjectCache { ... }, 'key' => 'wikidb-mw_:gadgets-definition:13:4']; public $this = class MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo { protected $titlePrefix = 'MediaWiki:Gadget-'; private $definitions = NULL } }, $flags = ??? )
Change 808795 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy; author: Reedy):
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@master] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 808795 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@master] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 809250 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy; author: Reedy):
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@REL1_38] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 809251 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy; author: Reedy):
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@REL1_37] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 809252 had a related patch set uploaded (by Reedy; author: Reedy):
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@REL1_35] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 809250 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@REL1_38] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 809251 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@REL1_37] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int
Change 809252 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Gadgets@REL1_35] MediaWikiGadgetsDefinitionRepo::loadGadgets(): Cast ttl to int