TLDR: when we record a video on, send it to , we likely loose some metadata because the video appears on Wikimedia Commons as an audio file. We need to inspect this further. Videos were ok prior to 2020, see here for broken vs working Lingualibre videos
Critical This bug is the only blocking piece preventing Sign Language contributors to record sign language videos and elegant Lingua Libre SignIt for Firefox add-on to do outreach and expand internationally.
"T316113 : Vue dev tools must be allowed" could help.
List of steps to reproduce
- Go to > (Log in with your Wikimedia account)
- Step 2: add yourself French Sign language.
- Step 3: Select Sign Language, add few words : "crabe", "poisson" (fish), "lapin" (rabbit).
- Step 4: Record 3 videos and stash them to Lingualibre. (some console.log occurs here)
- Step 5: Review videos - you may download those video to inspect them ; Upload files to commons (some console.log occurs here)
What happens?:
- When uploaded to Commons, video files are recognized by MediaWiki as audio files. See Category:Lingua_Libre_pronunciation-fsl
- On a wiki page, when you add the media via [[file:my_video.webm]], the miniature is an audio player.
- Inspect HTML, Mediawiki indeed embed the files into an audio class and element.
- Inspect HTML, change code into a video html tag, it appears as a video.
- That same file from Commons, when opened in full in the browser, appears as a video. User [[:media:my_video.webm]] or .
Downloading the file recorded-stashed on Lingualibre (Step 4) and uploaded-published to Commons (Step 5) shows that the files are identical and some metadata are missing at both steps.
Lingua Libre's Record Wizard video recording system may be faulty. Where ? How ?
What should have happened instead?:
- All relevant video metadata should be present when stashed.
- Media should be recognized as video on Commons.
Software version: n.a.
See also: Discussion and example -> might be caused by an issue when uploading to Commons, where bytes (which ones?) are missing.
Other considerations:
- Video recording was working properly in early videos (2018, 2019). Example : Videos by Antoine
- Relevant git repositories :
- RecordWizard [JS,PHP]: the recording system. Received edits in spring 2020, which may have broken the video recording.
- Upload2Commons [PHP]: the upload system, unchanged since 2018. (So it's unlikely to be the problem)