There is a clear place that Design System code exists so it is easy to locate and use code related to the Design System.
User stories
- As a front-end developer, I can easily locate the Design System code.
- There are multiple potential tools to use, may need to discuss current state vs target future state (ex: GitLab)
- Many of our users will use the version of Codex within MediaWiki. Information on how to use Codex within MediaWiki is captured on, but we should at least link to this from the Codex docs site to send people looking for that information in the right direction.
- There is a single source of truth for Design Systems code (ex: repo on GitLab)
- The Design System Repo MUST include the following:
- READ ME - intro on contents and link outs to other relevant documents (ex: Design Systems wiki)
- There is a single source of truth for each user story (aka artifact)
- All source of truth documents/artifacts are available via Design System Portal/Wiki
Acceptance criteria
- There is a single source of truth for each user story (aka document)
- All documentation should link back to a central Design System Portal/Wiki
- Code should be:
- easy to read (limited jargon)
- clear to follow (has comments)
- Access to artifacts should NOT be restricted for viewing by target users (aka remove or update permissions as necessary)
Test scenarios
Open questions