Create and publish Design System Code Contribution Guidelines.
User stories
- As a front-end developer, I understand the steps required to merge and/or update code related to the Design System.
- This process should also work for contributions from community developers
- There is a single source of truth for Code Contribution Guidelines that is publicly available
- The Code Contribution Guidelines MUST include the following:
- Steps for front-end developers to UPDATE/FIX existing Code, including who does code review, etc.
- Steps for front-end developers to ADD/EXTEND CODE, including who does code review, etc.
- Clear outlines of when to start, who should be involved, etc.
- There is a single source of truth for each user story (aka artifact)
Acceptance criteria
- There is a single source of truth for each user story (aka document)
- All documentation should link back to a central Design System Portal/Wiki
- Artifacts should be:
- easy to read (limited jargon)
- clear to follow (written as steps, checklists, visual diagrams, etc.)
- Access to artifacts should NOT be restricted for viewing by target users (aka remove or update permissions as necessary)
Test scenarios
Open questions
[to come]