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New accounts not attaching to meta/loginwiki
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


It appears new accounts are not attaching to meta and/or loginwiki when created. Seems to be widespread issue based on #wikimedia-unifications channel on Libera


Event Timeline

MariaDB [centralauth_p]> SELECT * FROM localuser WHERE lu_name = 'Marmite Hurricane';
| lu_wiki    | lu_name           | lu_attached_timestamp | lu_attached_method | lu_local_id | lu_global_id |
| enwiki     | Marmite Hurricane | 20220802211343        | new                |    44290789 |     70327596 |
| simplewiki | Marmite Hurricane | 20220802212402        | login              |     1227980 |     70327596 |
2 rows in set (0.003 sec)
MariaDB [centralauth_p]> SELECT gu_id, gu_name, gu_home_db, gu_locked, gu_registration FROM globaluser WHERE gu_name = 'Marmite Hurricane';
| gu_id    | gu_name           | gu_home_db | gu_locked | gu_registration |
| 70327596 | Marmite Hurricane | enwiki     |         1 | 20220802211343  |
1 row in set (0.002 sec)

An example of no attachments.

Multiple projects, no meta/login another example

Are we seeing this continuing @Operator873? Only asking as T306636 (the possible cause) suggests the error rate has reduced again..

Looks fine from here with a spot-check.

@TheresNoTime Apologies in the delay of answering. I spot checked 6 accounts randomly from #wikimedia-unifications and found a 20-40 second delay in attaching, which I feel is normal, but all accounts did attach. Seems to be resolved.

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