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Migrate WDQS to Java 11
Open, HighPublic


For Buster and later Java is being provided in a component/jdk8 for applications relying on Java 8. We don't want to maintain these forward ports indefinitely, so let's check whether WDQS is compatible with Java 11 and switch to it.

(And ideally is implemented first, since it will make the eventual 8->11 switch as simple as changing one or two lines in Hiera)

Event Timeline

Gehel triaged this task as High priority.Aug 29 2022, 3:17 PM
Gehel removed a project: Discovery-Search.
Gehel moved this task from Incoming to Operations/SRE on the Wikidata-Query-Service board.

Looking on Blazegraph Database's Github, there are a few issues related to Java version.

Looking on Blazegraph Database's Github, there are a few issues related to Java version.

There was a task earlier in 2023 related to this: T330525: Migrate Wikidata off of Blazegraph

Although that task is about stability of blazegraph vs. java version. But I am unaware of any plans to port blazegraph to java 11.

Noting this here as, in CI, we've marked blazegraph as staying on Java 8 T350587: Remove Java 8 images from integration/config (via Gerrit:973088).