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Build workflow for exporting reading list
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The team is currently working on a project that would allow users to share and export their reading lists. The details of the endeavor can be found in T313269 and T316822.

Must Haves
  • Allow users to export a single reading list
Potentially out of scope
  • Allowing users to import the reading list they exported
User Stories
  • As a Wikipedia Android app user and student in Morocco, I want to export my reading lists on my mobile device, so that I can import multiple lists on my tablet.
Target Quant Regions

Africa (Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Kenya, DR Congo, Angola, and Ghana) and South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Nepal)

Event Timeline

A little bit of guidance on implementation:

  • No special third-party libraries should be needed -- a CSV file should be very simple to write, and should contain columns of: Language, Title, Url for each page in the reading list.
  • The CSV file should be saved automatically to the user's Downloads folder. This might be done differently for different API levels (e.g. using MediaStore for API 29+, versus regular File for older APIs.).
  • Permission to write external storage should be requested if necessary.
  • Once the file is written, show a notification (in the system notification bar). Tapping the notification should take the user directly to the Downloads folder, where they'll see the saved file.