Feature summary:
Would be nice to have a config option (in localsettings) that causes HeaderTabs to be more verbose during page loads so wiki admins can debug intermittent failures of the tabs to load.
Use case(s):
I would use it to debug the issue described at: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:W1i6hpx023qc4pe9
As it it right now. HeaderTabs intermittently fails to load (say, 1 time in 10) without any errors in the PHP logs or JS errors in the browser.
Running Skin:Chameleon + SMW 3.2.x + MW 34.x & 35.x
Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
Admins of wikis running lots of extensions would have more tools to identify the source of the failure for headertabs to load.