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Enable Extension:Replace Text on Hindi Wikipedia
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Author: vibhijain

Please enable Extension:Replace Text on Hindi Wikipedia. The local consensus is here:विकिपीडिया:New_Extension

Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 21 2014, 11:37 PM
bzimport set Reference to bz29833.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Would a bot not be better for this?

vibhijain wrote:

Hindi Wikipedia needs to change all Devanagari numbers to Arabic one as per local discussion, so This extension would be a lot helpful.

mayurdce wrote:

No, this extension help us a lot as vibhi told, we have already see Worthlessness of this extension here(

Extension:ReplaceText isn't scalable, and doesn't work at all in Wikimedia's configurations.

mayurdce wrote:

I am reopening this bug bcoz I have already provided the link of site- where it is installed, it is a very important extension for hi wiki.Plz reconfirm it.I requesting for reveiw for this

bugs wrote:

Wikimedia's configuration is different. It's also a very different situation when the wiki is used on a small wiki like that compared to when it's used on the 5th most visited site in the world. :-)

Restoring Brion's WONTFIX -- he's the man in charge, after all.

mayurdce wrote:

I am reopening this bug as this extension in already in review process for Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian Wikipedia as per thi bug

(In reply to comment #7)

I am reopening this bug as this extension in already in review process for
Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian Wikipedia as per thi bug

23606 does not state anything like that, only that it will need to be reviewed.

Wontfixing both of these based on brion's wontfix.

(In reply to comment #8)

23606 does not state anything like that, only that it will need to be reviewed.

*need to be reviewed if enabled.

In T31833#340572, @brion wrote:

Extension:ReplaceText isn't scalable, and doesn't work at all in Wikimedia's configurations.

Can it work at

In T31833#340572, @brion wrote:

Extension:ReplaceText isn't scalable, and doesn't work at all in Wikimedia's configurations.

Can it work at

Is this still even needed 9 years on?

It's probably not the best solution anyway. I've never seen using it go well.

@RhinosF1, There is now a discussion in wiki source as to whether to add the extension.
why It's probably not the best solution anyway?

@RhinosF1, There is now a discussion in wiki source as to whether to add the extension.
why It's probably not the best solution anyway?

Automated, instant, unmonitorable mass replacement of text is prone to human error and can be painful to revert.

Things like AWB can be stopped easier, ran slower and monitored better.

@RhinosF1 ,You're right, but there's a quick recovery script.
AWB is too slow to make many edits. Replace text will allow you to see the context of each sentence.
So I want to add the extension for only six months

taavi subscribed.

ReplaceText is not compatible with Wikimedia wikis (T186205#3966506).

It's not going to happen. There's many other bots and scripts.

AWB can do 30+ edits per minute.

How fast do you need to go? How many edits do you need to do?