From both a recent conversation with @daniel and per T200375: Implement Pingback v2, it seems that Pingback should be updated to use the Event Platform. This migration is a little more complicated as the event producer doesn't use EventLogging. This is because the instrument needs to run during installation when extensions aren't loaded.
Per T259163: Migrate legacy metawiki schemas to Event Platform:
- Create /analytics/legacy/ schema
- Edit-protect
- Manually evolve the Hive table to use new schema
- Add entries to wgEventStreams in operations/mediwiki-config
- Since the Pingback instrument doesn't use the EventLogging extension, we don't have to add entries to $wgEventLoggingStreamNames or $wgEventLoggingSchemas
- Modify instrument to send to eventgate:
- T353817: Create legacy EventLogging proxy HTTP intake (for MediaWikiPingback) endpoint to EventGate
- Once the legacy stream's data is fully produced through EventGate (either directly or the new proxy), switch to using Refine job that uses schema repo instead of