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tbs: user-story 7 - I want to list all the tool builds.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


As a toolforge user, I can get the list of all my builds running toolforge build list

How do we know it's done?

Feature: I want to list all the tool builds


Given I'm logged in as a tool (after ssh + become mytool)

Scenario: List all my builds successfully

Given I started more than one build
When I run the command toolforge build list
Then I see the list of builds
And I see the id for each
And I see the status for each
And I see the start time for each
And I see the end time for each
And I see the the source url
And I see the image name
And I see the image tag

Scenario: Service is down

When I run the command toolforge build list and the service is down
Then I see an error message telling me the service is down
And the message gives me actionable feedback

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