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Community Configuration for Revert notification: improve language and allow communities to configure defaults
Open, Needs TriagePublic


User story:

As a community, I want to control whether newcomers receive revert notifications, because this decision should be left to communities.


Acceptance Criteria:

Given I am an Admin,
When I want to change the default and ensure newcomers receive a revert notification,
Then that is Community Configurable

Event Timeline

KStoller-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)
KStoller-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

hi @KStoller-WMF! FYI, thanks to conditional user defaults, it is now possible to configure (on per-wiki basis) whether newcomers receive the reverted notifications (not on-wiki though). That being said, fulfilling this task would now basically consist of connecting Echo with Community configuration 2.0 project. With that in mind, maybe it would make sense to reword the description/acceptance criteria a bit (as we presumably do not want to keep using the current special page), maybe listing it as a CC usecase in the T323811 epic?

KStoller-WMF renamed this task from Revert notification: improve language and allow communities to configure defaults to Community Configuration for Revert notification: improve language and allow communities to configure defaults.Feb 14 2024, 11:11 PM
KStoller-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

hi @KStoller-WMF! FYI, thanks to conditional user defaults, it is now possible to configure (on per-wiki basis) whether newcomers receive the reverted notifications (not on-wiki though). That being said, fulfilling this task would now basically consist of connecting Echo with Community configuration 2.0 project. With that in mind, maybe it would make sense to reword the description/acceptance criteria a bit (as we presumably do not want to keep using the current special page), maybe listing it as a CC usecase in the T323811 epic?

Good idea, done! ✅