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GPay issue due to missing config update [fixed]
Closed, ResolvedPublic


It looks like GPay was broken because we forgot to push up a config change to LocalSettings.php for Payments, to add the new GoogleScript key to $wgAdyenCheckoutGatewayAccountInfo.

When I tried to donate with GPay, I saw the following error: "Could not load payment provider Javascript. Please reload or try again later."

adyen_googlescript_screenshot2.png (890×638 px, 98 KB)

Debugging into the JS on live, I could see configFromServer.googleScript was null:

adyen_googlescript_screenshot.png (535×1 px, 156 KB)

It seems the issue was that we didn't push out a config update equivalent to ee529a765e5bd3e in the config-private repo for our Docker setup, to add that key. I pushed the needed update to the localsettings repo on the cluster, and deployed it after checking with @XenoRyet.

After that deploy, the GPay form loaded correctly.

Also, interestingly, there don't seem to be any errors in the production logs related to this issue? Discovered it locally when testing stuff without having pulled the needed updated from config-private. Locally there was an error in logs/payments-mediawiki.log:

mediawiki[113]: {"id":"e0d5dd0a2443b571612a5b3b","type":"ErrorException","file":"/var/www/html/extensions/DonationInterface/gateway_common/gateway.adapter.php","line":3042,"message":"PHP Notice: Undefined index: GoogleScript","code":0,"url":"/index.php?title=Special:AdyenCheckoutGateway&appeal=JimmyQuote&payment_method=cc&recurring=0&uselang=en&language=en&currency=USD&amount=10&country=US&ffname=adyen&first_name=Jimmy&last_name=Wales&street_address=1+Montgomery+Street&city=San+Francisco&state_province=CA&postal_code=94104&","caught_by":"mwe_handler","backtrace":[{"file":"/var/www/html/extensions/DonationInterface/gateway_common/gateway.adapter.php","line":3042,"function":"handleError","class":"MWExceptionHandler","type":"::"},{"file":"/var/www/html/extensions/DonationInterface/adyen_gateway/adyen_checkout.adapter.php","line":349,"function":"getAccountConfig","class":"GatewayAdapter","type":"->"}

[ remaining stack trace omitted ... ]

Event Timeline

AndyRussG triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.Jan 25 2023, 6:59 AM
AndyRussG created this task.
AndyRussG added a project: Fundraising-Backlog.
AndyRussG moved this task from Backlog to Done on the Fundraising Tech - Chaos Crew board.
AndyRussG added a subscriber: XenoRyet.
AndyRussG renamed this task from Fix GPay issue due to missing config change to GPay issue due to missing config update [fixed].Jan 25 2023, 7:24 AM
XenoRyet set Final Story Points to 1.