Brief summary
Abstract Wikipedia is an idea that people can create and maintain Wikipedia articles in a language-independent way. A particular language Wikipedia can translate this language-independent article into its language. Code does the translation.
Wikifunctions is a new Wikimedia project that allows anyone to create and maintain code. This is useful in many different ways. It provides a catalog of all kinds of functions that anyone can call, write, maintain, and use.
When Wikifunctions launches, the team wants the core features to be covered by end-to-end test that can be run against any patch review. We are leveraging existing selenium tools and patterns to write the tests, and a novel GitLab Kubernetes based CI pattern that integrates with Gerrit.
The aim of this GSoC project will be to write e2e (end-to-end) tests using Selenium and integrate them in our pipeline. A stretch goal of this project working on "production-izing" pipeline itself, and documenting the pattern for other teams to evaluate and implement.
Skills required
A working knowledge of Javascript will be the primary skill needed to promote success in this project. The following are nice-to-haves or skills the mentee is likely to learn while working on the project.
- Selenium
- NodeJS
- Wikitext writing
- Rust
- GitLab CI / API
- Gerrit API
- Kubernetes
Related projects/tags:
Possible mentor(s)
@SDunlap, @Jdforrester-WMF, (possibly others from the Abstract Wikipedia team)