Assamees (as.wikipedia) would like the numerical magic.
[16:11] <jayanta> Hi I need help for assamese wikipedia , numbered list showing English numerals instead of Assamees numerals It resoveld still not working in our wiki
[16:14] <jayanta> Hi I need help for assamese wikipedia , numbered list showing English numerals instead of Assamees numerals It resoveld still not working in our wiki
[16:22] <jeremyb> jayanta: (it looks like) it's resolved but not deployed
[16:24] <jayanta> previously someone set for oriya wikipedia, now this issue hard coded in mediawiki software itself, but not deployed for all wiki
[16:25] <jeremyb> compare:
[16:25] <jeremyb>
[16:25] <jeremyb> (under preview)
[16:26] <jeremyb> or displays the same as en
[16:27] <jeremyb> see . you can edit that locally
[16:28] <jeremyb> it's already customized on as. and or seems to not be customized
[16:30] <p858snake|l> jeremyb: that bug was resolved pre 1.17 so its broken it appears
[16:30] <jayanta> hmm but Bengali and Oriya wikipedia, its working fine with local number
[16:30] <p858snake|l> oh wait
[16:31] <p858snake|l> jayanta: each language needs to have it set seperatly, that is why bengali is displaying with the local language
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