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upgrade OpenRefine to 3.7.0
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OpenRefine has a new version, bump it to 3.7.0

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Yay, it's amazing that you spotted the version update. Thank you for filing this :D

@rook Would it be possible to also install the Wikimedia Commons extension together with OpenRefine on PAWS? This will provide Wikimedians with nice extra functionalities to work with Wikimedia Commons.

If installing such extension on PAWS is challenging, maybe @Pintoch would be willing to keep an eye?

@rook Would it be possible to also install the Wikimedia Commons extension together with OpenRefine on PAWS? This will provide Wikimedians with nice extra functionalities to work with Wikimedia Commons.

If installing such extension on PAWS is challenging, maybe @Pintoch would be willing to keep an eye?

Hi @Spinster ! We can certainly at least investigate if we will be able to get the extension installed! Could you open a dedicated ticket for that? With any details on what you see as making it tricky to get into PAWS?

Hi @Spinster ! We can certainly at least investigate if we will be able to get the extension installed! Could you open a dedicated ticket for that? With any details on what you see as making it tricky to get into PAWS?

Done, see T330019: Install Wikimedia Commons extension for OpenRefine 3.7.0 on PAWS

I have no idea if installing such an extension would be tricky, as I don't know in general what it looks like to install software in PAWS :-) We'll keep an eye if you hit any roadblocks.