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NewPagesFeed: Don't show namespace in filters when there is only one namespace to patrol
Closed, ResolvedPublicFeature


Feature summary : When pagetriage is set to patrol only one namespace, we should remove the namespace dropdown from the filters and the from filter status line.

Filter dropdownFilter status line
Untitled2.png (79×141 px, 4 KB)
Untitled1.png (96×488 px, 15 KB)

Benefits : Reduces unnecessary clutter

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Could go even further and remove the custom namespace code completely ($wgPageTriageNamespaces), hard-coding PageTriage to only work in mainspace, simplifying the code. I'd probably be in favor of this, now that I think about it. YAGNI.

We would just need to be careful not to break draftspace. That may be controlled by different config variables, such as $wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId = 118;, which we would want to leave in, and test that it's working properly.

Could go even further and remove the custom namespace code completely ($wgPageTriageNamespaces), hard-coding PageTriage to only work in mainspace, simplifying the code. I'd probably be in favor of this, now that I think about it. YAGNI.

We would just need to be careful not to break draftspace. That may be controlled by different config variables, such as $wgPageTriageDraftNamespaceId = 118;, which we would want to leave in, and test that it's working properly.

As long as that doesn't make it more difficult to implement T50552: Make PageTriage wiki agnostic (perhaps other language wikis would want this software for other namespaces?), then that sounds good to me.

Change 952924 had a related patch set uploaded (by Sohom Datta; author: Sohom Datta):

[mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage@master] Do not show namespace filter if only option is present

Change 952924 merged by jenkins-bot:

[mediawiki/extensions/PageTriage@master] Do not show namespace filter if only one option is present

MPGuy2824 assigned this task to Soda.
MPGuy2824 moved this task from Priority small features to Done on the PageTriage board.