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Drop several views from ptwikisource
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Views of FlaggedRevs related tables for ptwikisource should be dropped on cloud also.

Event Timeline

Kizule changed the task status from Stalled to Open.Apr 12 2023, 7:48 AM

Good to go now. :)

Can someone sort this out? There are still related tables on cloud.

MariaDB [ptwikisource_p]> SHOW TABLES;
| Tables_in_ptwikisource_p |
| abuse_filter             |
| abuse_filter_action      |
| abuse_filter_history     |
| abuse_filter_log         |
| actor                    |
| actor_archive            |
| actor_filearchive        |
| actor_image              |
| actor_ipblocks           |
| actor_logging            |
| actor_oldimage           |
| actor_recentchanges      |
| actor_revision           |
| actor_user               |
| archive                  |
| archive_compat           |
| archive_userindex        |
| babel                    |
| category                 |
| categorylinks            |
| change_tag               |
| change_tag_def           |
| comment                  |
| comment_filearchive      |
| comment_image            |
| comment_ipblocks         |
| comment_logging          |
| comment_oldimage         |
| comment_protected_titles |
| comment_recentchanges    |
| comment_revision         |
| content                  |
| content_models           |
| externallinks            |
| filearchive              |
| filearchive_compat       |
| filearchive_userindex    |
| flaggedpage_config       |
| flaggedpage_pending      |
| flaggedpages             |
| flaggedrevs              |
| flaggedrevs_promote      |
| flaggedrevs_statistics   |
| flaggedrevs_tracking     |
| flaggedtemplates         |
| geo_tags                 |
| global_block_whitelist   |
| image                    |
| image_compat             |
| imagelinks               |
| interwiki                |
| ip_changes               |
| ipblocks                 |
| ipblocks_compat          |
| ipblocks_ipindex         |
| ipblocks_restrictions    |
| iwlinks                  |
| l10n_cache               |
| langlinks                |
| linktarget               |
| linter                   |
| logging                  |
| logging_compat           |
| logging_logindex         |
| logging_userindex        |
| module_deps              |
| oldimage                 |
| oldimage_compat          |
| oldimage_userindex       |
| page                     |
| page_compat              |
| page_props               |
| page_restrictions        |
| pagelinks                |
| pif_edits                |
| pr_index                 |
| protected_titles         |
| protected_titles_compat  |
| recentchanges            |
| recentchanges_compat     |
| recentchanges_userindex  |
| redirect                 |
| revision                 |
| revision_compat          |
| revision_userindex       |
| site_identifiers         |
| site_stats               |
| sites                    |
| slot_roles               |
| slots                    |
| templatelinks            |
| transcode                |
| updatelog                |
| user                     |
| user_former_groups       |
| user_groups              |
| user_properties          |
| user_properties_anon     |
| wbc_entity_usage         |
99 rows in set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [ptwikisource_p]>

Claiming this ticket. Apologies for the delay. I will look into it.

@Kizule - I believe that this is fixed now.

btullis@tools-sgebastion-10:~$ sql ptwikisource
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 18249716
Server version: 10.4.22-MariaDB MariaDB Server

Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

MariaDB [ptwikisource_p]> show tables like 'flagged%';
Empty set (0.002 sec)

MariaDB [ptwikisource_p]>

Are you able to confirm please? Apologies once again for the delay.

Sorry, I've missed notification about this, I don't know how, but that's alright.

Thank you for taking a look into this, everything looks fine to me. :)

Sorry, I've missed notification about this, I don't know how, but that's alright.

Thank you for taking a look into this, everything looks fine to me. :)

Thanks for the confirmation.