T313107 still not done for unknown reasons, so, please, grant ruwiki's bots sboverride userright.
Status | Subtype | Assigned | Task | ||
Resolved | Legoktm | T313107 Grant bots the sboverride userright | |||
Resolved | Legoktm | T334344 Grant ruwiki's bots sboverride userright |
Event Timeline
This problem was discussed infinite amount of times, but OK, I will start a discussion, result will be in several days.
@MBH: In the future, please always follow https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requesting_wiki_configuration_changes when requesting configuration changes for one website. Thanks.
@Superpes15 , discussion ended and has a summary, https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Википедия:Форум/Общий#Право_игнорировать_спамлист_для_ботов
Change 908973 had a related patch set uploaded (by Superpes15; author: Superpes15):
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [ruwiki] Add 'sboverride' right to the bot
I don't think this can be done. The current consensus is that not even administrators should have this permission, so it does not make sense to allow bots to have it. We can have a discussion about this of course but this permission is currently not assigned to anyone AFAICS.
@MarcoAurelio Spamlist prevents archiving of discussions containing links that were spammed after they were posted in the discussion, and countless threads in ruwiki were lost, not archived due to the spamlist. The spamlist also interferes with editing in AWB, because a couple of years ago the spamlist began to trigger to spammed links in the edit description, and AWB adds a piece of text that was edited to the edit description. Disabling the spam list for bots is the first and obvious task after this technical right was finally created.
The discussion you link to is about adding sboverride to the "default admin toolkit" for every wiki. If it was decided not to add sboverride to every wiki by default, one can still add it to some particular wiki where there is a clear local consensus like the one in ruwiki.
Moreover, the argument about "even administrators" is plainly wrong: admins usually do not need sboverride, but archivating bots crucially need it.
Adding the right to admins was more controversial because admins are editors like everyone else, and them adding spam-blocked links to pages would likely inhibit the editing of the page by everyone else. Bots usually do not go around adding spam-blocked links to pages, so I do not see how the situations are comparable.
Not really a fan of doing this on a per-project level, AFAICT T313107: Grant bots the sboverride userright is just waiting on someone to do it? No one has objected there so unless there's some reason we're concerned about this change and want one project to test it out first, I think we can resolve this by just rolling out the userright everywhere.
Change 923728 had a related patch set uploaded (by Legoktm; author: Legoktm):
[mediawiki/extensions/SpamBlacklist@master] Grant bots the "sboverride" userright by default
Change 923728 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/SpamBlacklist@master] Grant bots the "sboverride" userright by default
Change 908973 abandoned by Superpes15:
[operations/mediawiki-config@master] [ruwiki] Add 'sboverride' right to the bots
Granted by default to the bots everywhere per T313107