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Section-Level Images: Release checklist
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Note: all items from this list need to be completed before we release a feature in production.

Release date:

June 22

Responsible: Technical Lead @kostajh
Responsible: Product Manager @KStoller-WMF
  • Privacy review (if applicable) is passed
  • Project documentation is published on MediaWiki
Responsible: Designer @JFernandez-WMF
  • Accessibility goals are met
  • Copy is finalized
  • QQQ descriptions are complete
Responsible: Community Relations Specialist @Trizek-WMF
Responsible: QA Engineer @Etonkovidova
  • Functional testing is complete

Event Timeline

@Trizek-WMF - please create a subtask to organize translations & communication if needed.
@kostajh - I think a few of the tasks assigned to you can be checked off, correct? Should we create a separate subtask for technical documentation?

Regarding the Accessibility goals are met item, the issues found in T336532: Section-level images: Accessibility improvements shouldn't be release blockers. Kirsten has updated the task as a post MVP task for engineers.

kostajh updated the task description. (Show Details)
kostajh updated the task description. (Show Details)
kostajh added a subscriber: Tgr.
kostajh updated the task description. (Show Details)

Communities have been informed by Ambassadors, including the delay.

KStoller-WMF updated the task description. (Show Details)

I checked off the items associated with a completed task and updated the Release date to the date we actually released: June 22.
@Etonkovidova and @MShilova_WMF I'm going to resolve this task, but feel free to reopen if you disagree.