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Superset: cannot deploy trove at 10GB
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Cannot deploy a trove DB in superset at 10GB and above (4 worked)


Quota exceeded for resources: ['volumes']. (HTTP 413)

Horizon shows:
Volumes Used 9 of 16
Volume Storage Used 144GB of 200GB

Secret trove quota looks alright:

root@cloudcontrol1005:~# openstack database quota show superset
| Resource  | In Use | Reserved | Limit |
| backups   |      0 |        0 |     2 |
| instances |      1 |        0 |    10 |
| ram       |   1024 |        0 |    -1 |
| volumes   |      1 |        0 |    10 |

Event Timeline

openstack database quota show superset gives "volumes" which references the number of gigabytes allowed, rather than the number of volumes allowed.

rook claimed this task.