Summary of updates
Outlined below are proposed updates to the Android editing flow for unregistered editors with and without temporary accounts. These updates were made to reflect proposed changes on desktop web related to IP masking work. Text in the screens below comes from proposed strings in the IP masking deck from AHT and may be subject to change.
Relevant links
- Figma file for Apps work
- IP masking deck from AHT
- Figma file showing updated copy from AHT
- IP Masking x Apps deck from AHT x Apps
Proposed designs
Unregistered edits for users without temporary accounts
Editor - First unregistered edit | Editor with edit notice - First unregistered edit | First unregistered edit - tap on account icon | First unregistered edit - edit summary screen | After publishing and a new temp account is created 1/2 | After publishing and a new temp account is created 2/2 |
Shown on first unregistered edit once in the editor | Shown on first unregistered edit once in the editor for an article with an edit notice | Shown when tapping on the account icon in the header. Learn more link to be provided by AHT in the future | Shown on edit summary screen | Regular publish confirmation | Shown after publishing only when a temp account is created based on the publish action |
Unregistered edits for users with temporary accounts
Editor with edit notice - subsequent unregistered edits | Subsequent unregistered edits - tap on account icon | Subsequent unregistered edits - edit summary screen | Edit published |
Shown to users editing with a temporary account for an article with an edit notice | Shown when tapping on the account icon in the header. IP address link to be provided by AHT in the future | Shown on edit summary screen | Normal publish confirmation shown |
Unregistered edit without temp account icons |
Material design icon: No Account |
IP masking temp account icon |
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