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Community configuration: comparative review
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A summary and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of other similar tools.

User story & summary:

As the Growth team, I want to evaluate solutions from other products, so that I can ensure our designs are high-quality and the UX is intuitive.

Background & research:

Example: Design Research summary from the Positive Reinforcement project.

Potential tools to consider:

Acceptance Criteria:

Share a short summary and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of other similar tools.

Event Timeline

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KStoller-WMF renamed this task from Community configuration: competitor analysis design research to Community configuration: comparative review.Jul 28 2023, 7:46 PM

Presenting to Growth team for review, we can consider this complete. I'll open a subtask if there is any follow up work suggested by the team.

I'm not exactly sure how the "MediaWiki testimonials" page is specifically relevant to a comparative review of the Community configuration feature, but either way, I thought I'd point our the following list of on-wiki configuration extensions:

Also, can the summary be published somewhere accessible to the community?

I thought I'd point our the following list of on-wiki configuration extensions:

@JFernandez-WMF - I'm not sure if these examples need to be added to the comparative review, but they are at least worth looking into if you haven't already.

Also, can the summary be published somewhere accessible to the community?

Of course! I'll make sure we get a summary published on the associated page by the end of next week:
I'll also check to see if we can simply make the document public.

Also, can the summary be published somewhere accessible to the community?

@waldyrious, here is the full report: Comparative review: Admin tools
And I added a summary on the related Mediawiki page:

This was only a brief look at the design of other configuration / admin tools to help guide us in making some general design improvements for this feature. We have other research planned, and more community outreach, including a consultation with technical stakeholders. Let me know if you have any questions!

Thanks for sharing! After seeing the document I realized this was about the layout and design of administration/configuration interfaces in various online platforms, not necessarily MediaWiki wikis. Perhaps this could be made clear in the task description.

Also, I hope a more detailed review of not just the UI but also the contents (and organization thereof) of mediawiki-specific configuration tools is planned for the future — I suppose those of Miraheze, Fandom, and the ones listed in Extension:Config would be the most relevant in this regard.